16 Randy

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A/n as you can aew I took down my jarvy book. Also sorry if this sucks it's on my phone. Sorry its short.

Andy's POV

It was a bright sunny day out, so I decided to go sit out under my favorite tree. Were is this tree you might ask. Well this tree is in a field that it threw the words behind my house. I go here quit often. I like it because it's peaceful and quit and a easy place to read. As I was walking to my tree I thought I heard someone talking. I decided that it was nothing a and continued on. Once I got to my tree I sat down and leaned on the trunk. I place my book on my lap and open it up. Just as I'm about to start reading I hear someone yell.

"Hay!" I look around trying to figure out were it came from.

"I'm up here." I says. Looking up I see a boy with brow hair sitting in my tree.

"What are you doing up in the tree?" I ask.

"Just sitting here. What about you?"


"Thats not fun."

"It is to." I say getting up so I can see him better.

"What's your name reader. I'm rye by the way."

"Andy." I say. He smile's at me and starts to clime down the tree. Once he gets to the bottom I ask.

"Why haven't I run into you before."

"I have only been living in this town for about a week." Rye says.

"Oh well maby I could show you around sometime."

" I would like that. Let me put my number in your phone." He says. I give him my phone and once he is done he says.

"See you around book boy." And walked away. I sat back in my spot and went back to doing what I originally came here for.

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