11 part 2 randy

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A/N to understand this part read the chapter before this. Also shot out to @kelsybabe2001x for requesting a second part. 

Andy's pov. 

I woke up to the sound of rain. I open my eyes to see I was in rye and Hrvy room. I look around to find that nether of them was in here. I rember falling asleep in here but I wonder were rye is.  I et up and stretch and head for the kitchen. That's when I hear rye and Mikey talking. I was just going to walk right in to the room but I heard my name and decided to do a little bit of eavesdropping. 

" You and Andy went to bed pretty eerily last night." Mikey says. 

" Ya I kind of did that on perpous." Rye said witch didn't make much sense. 

" Really, why?" 

" You know how we had a huge storm last night." 

" Well ya it keep me up most the night." 

" Well I  made Andy fall asleep faster by playing with his hair. The reason I did this was because he gets scared of storms easily and I didn't want to see him scared." Rye says. I cant believe  him. I am not scared of storms that bad. What dose he think that I'm tow or something. 

" Good morning." I say walking in the room like I have no idea of what they were just talking about. 

" Morning love." Rye says giving me a hug. I hug him back but then go and make some tea. After it was done I go sit on my bed and watch some random YouTube videos. I still cant believe what rye did. It so stupid I would have been fine.  I mean its a good plan but I'm not 3 it was not needed. 

Rye comes and sits at the end of my bed and I choice to ignore him for what he did. Not the best form of revenge but it will work for me. He says my name like five times but I act like I cant here him. Next thing I know he has pulled my headphones of my head. 

" What's your problem?' he asked. That's when I may or may not have flipped. 

" My problem? Your the problem just leave me be for 5 minuets. I'm not 2 rye, so why do you treat me like I am?" 

" What are you talking about? I care about you, I don't think that I treat you like a 2 year old." 

" Hate to brake it to you but you do. Like last night. I know you did that on perpous I heard you and Mikey talking." 

" I just didn't want you to get scared. I care about you Andy." 

" Well it would have been fine storms don't bother me that much." 

" Ok. I promise not to teat you like little kid. I guess I didn't realize I was even doing it." 

" Thank you. Know leach watch YouTube and cuddle." 

" Ok." He says and that's what we do until they rest of the boys are up and we have to go to the studio. 

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