18 Rykey

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A/n Thank you all so much for 3k reads. Don't forget I take request, also I wrote this as school. This is vary fluffy . Also if there is like 6 lines in between dialog its because my computer is stupid. Also its short. 

Ryes pov 

It was a cold rainy day.  I was with my favorite person in the entire world. His name is Mikey aka my boyfriend. We are in my room watch tv. Re watch Riverdale to be more pacific. Normally we are at his house so it was nice to be here for change. The reason we normally go to his because were scared  that one of my many sibling will walk in on us cuddling or kissing or something, then they will tell my mum and dad. We haven't told them that we are together yet. They only ones that knows that we are together are friends  Brooklyn, jack, Andy and Hrvy. The reason we haven't told our families is because we are afraid to. I think I am nervous about doing because I have such a large  family. I know that the twins will be ok with it. Why I know this is because they are so young and wont really care. My older brother a little bit but not as much as mum and dad. 

It was about hour latter and Mikey had fallen asleep. I was glad it Friday because that way he could stay over night. As I was thinking about how cute he is I hear the front door of the house open.  I hope no one come in here. As I am trying to carefully get up with out waking  Mikey u Sammy my little brother walks in. 

"Rye who is that?" he askes. 

" A friend. His name is Mikey you have meet him before. He fell asleep when we were studying. " 

" Oh ok. If you were studding where are your school books. Also I'm positive friends don't cuddle." 

" Well we put our books away when we were done. Its not a big deal now go away!" I yell at him. 

" Is he your boyfriend?" I was taken back at his question. I honesty did not expect him to say something like that. So I decided to lie to him. 

" What!No! Why would you think that." 

" Because rye you guys were cuddling. You also didn't answer my question right away. know tell me the truth or I will tell mum and dad. " Wow this kid is good. 

" Fine! Yes he is my boyfriend. If you tell mum and dad u will feed you to the ducks in the duck pond. " I threaten him 

" I wont I promise. Your my big brother and as long as your happy that's all that matters." 

With that he left. Wow I guess kids are smarter then I thought. Maybe telling others wont be so bad. I'm also surprise Mikey didn't wake up. I decide to fall in his foot steps, I cuddle up to him and go to sleep to. 

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