15 Randy

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A/N This one is really cute and fluffy. I figures I would write something happy seeing as the last one was vary depressing. Also don't forget I do take requestes. 

Andy's pov 

Rye has been ignoring me all day. I don't know why but it really annoying because today is 2 year anniversary. Like of all days why today. I tried to talk to him this morning but he just pushed me away. Normally if he dose something like this he is planning something. But this time its different. He is acting weird. In all honesty I'm afraid that he is going to bake up with me. If he dose I don't know what I would do he means everything to me. I think I'm going to ask Mikey what he thinks of the hole thing. Ya that's what I'm going to do. I believe he is outside with Brooklyn playing football but I could be wrong. I grab  my keys incase I get locked out of the flat and go see if he is out there or not. He was jack was sitting on the ground and the two seemed to be discussing something. 

" Hay Andy what's up." Jack says happily as I walk over. 

" Nothing much I was wondering if I could talk to Mikey about something." 

" Sure." Mikey says 

" I'm going to head inside." Jack says getting up and heading to the flat. 

" So what do you want to talk about." 

" Today is rye and i's 2 year anniversary and he is ignoring me. I tried to talk to him but he just walked away and know I don't know were he is." 

" Im sure he just got something planed." 

"But what if he doesn't Mikey. What if he doesn't want us to be together anymore. He seams off." 

" Im sure that's not the case Andy. Just try not to worrie about it. " 

" But I cant help but worrie. I'm afraid im going to lose him" I say looking down at the ground. Mikey pulls me in to a hug and we sit like that for a few minuets. 


IT was now almost dinner time and I haven't seen rye all day. I was upset, All I wanted to do was spend time with boyfriend seeing as it our anniversary  and I got the exact opposite.   Seeing as at this point he is not even answering his phone I decided I would go to our spot. IT would most likely make me more sad but oh well. 

Once I left the house and headed to our spot. It is about a 10 minuet walk from here. I was peace full but i still wish rye was here. I also wanted to know why he is doing this. Once I got there I noticed there was a blanket lade out. Someone else must be here. I jump about 4 feet off the ground when I here a voice behind me. 

" I knew you would come here" Turning around I saw rye. 

"Why?' Was all I said. 

" Because I wanted to do something special for you." He says sitting a basket down. 

" IT just took a lot of time and planning. But I found out what I want to do." 

"What would that be?" I aske curiously. 

"Well if you really must know Andy. We have been together for 2 years even though it feels like longer. With in that 2 years I have decided something. That something is that I want to spend the rest of my life with he." He says getting down on one nee. 

I shake my head not trusting my voice seeing as I have started crying. He get up and put the ring on my finger. I hug him. After we kiss I look at him and tell him. 

" I don't know if I should kiss you aging or push you off a cliff."  HE just smiles and laughs. 

" I can choose." With that he pulls me in to a nuther kiss. 

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