7 randy

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A/n So basically in this story Andy stat seeing a ghost Aka rye and non of the other boys believe him. Also this is most likely the stupidestthing you will ever read. 

Andy's pov.

I was taking a walking in the park by my self. The reason being all my best friends/ roommates were getting on my nerves. its normally not that bad but the were in a argument about smoothing and wanted me to pick a side. There was 5 of us and most of the time I was the tie barker of the argument. Hrvy and Mikey were on the same side and Brooklyn and jack were on the same side. Anyway I am going to my favorite part of the park. It was a wooded area with a little clearing by the water. I come here quite a lot. As I got closer I noticed a boy siting there. I walked up to him and said. 

" Excuse me? What are you doing?'' He turns around to look at e and says nothing.

" I'm Andy." I stick my hand out for him to shake. He looks at it and says. 

" I cant touch you Andy. How can you see me?" 

" What do you mean? your standing right in front of me. What's your name? "

" Most people can't see me . My name us rye." 

" What do you mean most people can't see you?" 

" Its because I am a ghost." At this point I think he is just trying to mess with me. I reach for arm and my hand goes right threw it. I back a way I little bit an I  just stair at him. 

" Its ok you can just leave me like every one else dose. I know that I'm scary." 

" Your not scary just different."  

Over the next few weeks every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I went to see rye for a few hours. The boys keep pestering me about it. I keep telling them I'm just out with a friend. Rye says they wont be able to see him unless I convince them that he is real.  I'm going to try but I don't think that its going to work. I am with rye right know and we are going to the flat. Once we got there I called every one in to the lounge. 

" Guys I have something vary impotent to tell you guys." I say. I look over at rye who was still standing next to me. 

" Is it about were you have been running off to." Hrvy says. 

" I really would like to know." Jack adds.

" Well, I have been Out with a vary lovely guy named rye and he is here with me. You cant see him because he is a ghost . You have to believe  that he is there and then you can see him." I tell him they all look at me like I have 5 heads.

" That's stupid. Lying about were your going nice one Andy." Mikey says. 

" I don't think that he is lying. I saw something like this on the internet the other day." Hrvy says 

"You have to be kidding me." Mikey says clearly annoyed.

I didn't say anything. I look over at rye and he seemed to be shimmering. Next thing I know all the boys are backing away for me. 

" OH MY GOG YOU WERNT LYING!" Mikey yells. 

" WERE DID HE COME FROM!" Jack added also yelling.

" So the internet was right." Hrvy  says but I think he was talking to himself. 

" My Brain cant handle this." Brooklyn says leaving the room. A few seconds latter returning. 

" I'm rye. I'm hooked that it worked and that everyone can see me." He says.

I grab for his hand expecting mine to go right threw his but it doesn't. He smiles at me and I smile back. After a lot of explaining to the boys they get it. rye also explained he now can take human form because so Meany people can see him. Today was the weirdest and best day of my life. I still don't fully understand it but oh well. 

A/n don't forget I'm still taking request. 

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