22 Ryekey

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A/n Thanks you so much for 5k reads it means a lot. I'm currently on thanksgiving brake so I'm going to try and post a lot. Don't forget it take request. Comment if you guys like short,  long or medium  length chapters better, and what ships you like to see. 

Mikey's pov 

I woke up late and to sound yelling. Looking at the time on my phone it was almost 10. I normally don't sleep in this late, but we had gotten home form the show really late last night. it was the show of this tour. It made me sad but also happy. Finally deciding it was time to get up I head down stairs. I don't know were the other boys are, but I see my favorite member of our band Rye. Why is Rye my favorite  is because we are dating. We have together for almost a year. With moving and everything we haven't had much time for ourselves, maybe we ill today who knows. 

" Good morning beautiful. " He says walking over to me and kissing my head. 

" Good Morning." 

" I'm making tea do you want one." 

" yes please ." 

He went to work making our teas while I sit on a stool at the island. I look out the window to see the other 3 boys playing football in the garden with Alex filming them.  My stomach growled reminding me I have not eaten yet today. Looking around the kitchen  and the based on the mess I'm guessing the boys have already have eaten. 

" Have you guys eaten yet?" I asked. 

" I haven't, I barley got up. I would say by seeing this mess the other have" 

" I can make us something I know you are not the best cook." 

" That's vary true. I can make a good omelet, we should make omelets." 

" Sure." I say. 

I get down from were I was siting and get the ingredients from fridge. As Rye gets the cooking utensils I start mixing everything together. Rye got 2 pans out and put them on the stove. Rye used one to cook his omelet and I used the other. Once they were done we put them on plate and sat down with our tea to eat. Its been good morning because its been with Rye, hopefully this how the rest of the day goes. 

" Do you know what we are today?" I ask between bits of breakfast. 

" Nothing that I know of. We should have a movie day just the to of us." 

" I would like that." 

" We should go to the store and get snacks and bring Alex to vlog. If we do that we wont have to vlog for the rest of the day. 

" That's a good idea. I'm going to go get dressed." I say finishing my omelet. 

" Me to " 

We both get up and go up stairs and to our rooms getting dress for the day. When we  were both done we grabbed Alex  and headed to the store. We told Alex that we are getting snacks and that's why we wanted vlog. They all know that we together makes it little bit easer. We were wondering joking around for vlog but also getting what we need. 

When we got home I was the first one in the door and head the yelling. Turning the corner I see Andy and Brooklyn auguring, Jack was filming  it on his phone. Rocket league was on the tv so I'm guessing that's what it was about. Rye and I quickly grabbed our snacks and headed up stairs. We got as many pillows and blankets as we could, it was probly to many but oh well. We cuddled up in his room and put on the greatest showman, one of my personal favorites.. that's what we did for the entire day is watch movies. We only had 2 interruptions. 1 being getting up for dinner, the 2nd one being brook asking if we ne where his phone charger was.  Nether of us new, I'm almost positive that kid would lose his head if it wasn't attached. Started up our 4 or 5 movie of the day witch happened to be mama mia jack came in and told us. 

" We are all heading to bed." 

" Ok, good night." rye tells him. 

Rye sits up and pulls me up so I am leaning agents his chest and sitting in between his legs. He kisses the top of my head and rest his their. I close my eyes and think abut how good today has been. I quickly realize doing this was a bad idea because it makes me realize how tired I was. I feel Rye movie witch make me open my eyes. I look to see what he is doing when he snaps the light off, and we go back to how we were siting. 

" you can go to sleep if you want babe." He tells me. 

" But I want to stay up with you." 

" I wont be up much longer. I can tell that you are sleepy so go to sleep." He tells me again. 

" Can we lay up in your bed?" I ask him. 

" Sure." 

We get up and put some of the pillows and blankets up on to his bed, I turn of the telly. We clime up to his bed, lay down and cuddle. 

" I'm glad we got to do this today." 

" Me to." I say in agreement. 

He pulls me in closer to him and starts playing with my hair.  Between already being super tired and Rye playing with my hair it made me even more sleepy. To day has been one of the best days ever, spent with my favorite person ever. It did not take long of the both of us to fall in to a vary happy and a vary much needed sleep. 

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