29 Jack, Hrvy, Brooklyn

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A/n This one is kind of lame compared to my last one shot. Also I'm running out of ideas so comment some. 

Hrvy pov 

Its been a vary long flight. Their was at leas one baby crying at times, it was so annoying. I'm with Blair waiting for Mikey to come pick us up from the air port. We got back 2 das before we were planed to. I dint tell Jack and brook that were coming home earlier. I wanted to surprise them, I missed them a lot while I was gone tour. It hard some times because I am by my self and they have the two of them. I feel left out at times, but I know they love me. If you haven't already guessed it Jack, Brooklyn and I are all in a relationship. I love being with them so much. Just as I am about to ask Blair were Mikey is he pulls up. 

" Good to see you guys!" Mikey says excitedly giving each of us a hug. 

" you to." I tell him, putting my stuff in the trunk and hoping in to the car. After we got in and are on the high way. Mikey says. 

" Just a head up  I don't know if you know this but Jack is pretty ill." 

" No I did not know that. I hope he is ok." I say concerned. 

"He should be. He just might be asleep when we get to the house. " 

" Ok." I wonder why They didn't tell me Jack was sick.

It was a pretty peaceful car ride to the house, compared to my flight. Right when we got their I was greeted by Andy, Rye, Alex, and Biscket. When we finish our saying our hellos I was tackled in a bare hug. It was Brooklyn. 

" Your home earlier then you told." He says as we just stand their holding each other. 

" Yes I am. Were is Jack?" I look up at him as he answers. 

" Upstairs asleep in my room He hasn't been feeling well." 

We go upstairs to brooks room. Jack was curled up with about 5 blankets. I know he didn't feel good, but he looked so cute. I carefully sit down the bed next to him, softly running my fingers though his hair. 

" I know you probly don't want to but you should wake him. He will glad your here." Brook whispers. 

" I don't know." I say unsure. 

" He has been asleep for about 3 hours you will be fine." 

" Ok." I start lightly shaking him. He stirs but doesn't fully wake up. 

" Jack pleas wake up for me baby." I say softly shaking him again. He roles over facing us, and runs his eyes. He looks at me confused for second, then tackles be in  to a hug. I move him so he is sitting on lap and cuddle him. Just holding him I could tell he had a fever. 

" I love you," He says quietly. 

" I love you to."

" You guys look so cute." Brook comments. It makes me smile. I love these tow idiots way to much. 

" Can we cuddle and watch TV for the rest of the day?" Jake asks us. 

" I would love to." I say. 

" Me to. All though you wont be awake long, you can barley keep your eyes open." He jokes. 

" I will be fine." 

That's what we did. WE cuddled in brooks room watching friend's. He was also about Jack not staying awake long. It wasn't one episode in and he was back asleep. 

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