12 jarvy ( Kind of)

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A/N I'm not 100% sure how schools in the uk wok so I'm sorry in advance also important note at the end.  Also I have changed there ages a little bit. 

Hrvys pov

It was about 5:00 when my alarm for the day went off. After I shut it off I go threw my social medias like I do every day. It was a normal day for the most part. How it was different was all of my stuff was in boxes stacked around my room seeing as I haven't had time to unpack. Me and my family recently have moved over 3 hours away from our old home. The reason being one of the best dance studios in the UK wants me to take classes with them. I was extremely excited, just not ready for a new school. Also the fact that I have no friends here. Well that's a lie I know one person. He name is loran ( lol go with it ) she gave me small tour of the town after dance yesterday. 

After showering and getting dressed it was ready for the day. It felt like it took me forever to get ready because I couldn't find anything.  after eating breakfast and saying good by to my parents I drive to my new school. Once I got there I could already see the different social groups. I walk threw the front doors and head to the front office. I got a brief tour of the school on Friday when we first got here.  

" Hello I'm new here my name is Hrvy." I say to the lady at the desk. 

" Nice to meat you Hrvy I'm Mrs.Bizmark. let me get your times table. I will call some one down to help you out your day." 

" Thank you>" I say as she calls someone down. Hopefully how ever it is is not rude. 

" Jack This is Hrvy you guys have all the same classes so you will be showing him around." 

" Nice to meat you" I say sticking out my hand. He shakes it and says. 

" Cool. Hay let me see your locker number so I can help you find it." He says.

We both exit the rom me fallowing him to my locker. Once we get to it I put all the stuff I don't need in it. We head to our first class. He seams really nice hopefully we can be good friends. Most of my old friends went real. They only wanted to hang out with me because I'm well know on the internet for dancing.  They just wanted to be seen with me for attention. 

XXXXX Time skip to lunch XXXXXX

After third period we had lunch. Witch was good because I was starving. As me and jack are walking to lunch He says. 

" Hay you can sit with me and my friends, but just a warning they can be pretty crazy." 

" That's ok." 

Over the past few hours I have lurked a lot abut jack. We are in the same grade and that he is a year younger then me  16. I have also learned that he has lived here his hole life and loves music. We both get in line for our lunch. After we both have gotten what we want he leads me to a table with four other guys. 

" Guys this is Hrvy he is new and I'm showing him around. Hrvy this is Mikey, Andy rye and Brooklyn." He says pointed at all of them they all seam pretty cool. 

" Nice to meat you Hrvy. How long have you been in the area." Brooklyn asks. 

" Ah sense Friday. We decided to move about 2 weeks ago." 

" Sick how old are you." 

" I'm 17."

" Nice. Jack is the youngest at 16, Brooklyn is 17, Andy and I at both 18."  Rye says

" Cool." I say. I think I could get used to hanging out with them. 

A/N as you can tell by reading this its not really jarvy, This chapter is  a teaser for  a new book I have coming out about jarvy. It will be out shortly after this so go cheek it out. 

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