19 Jacklyn

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Jacks pov 

I was currently panicking. About what you may ask. Well a lot of things. First of all I'm in the airport with Brooklyn, we are flying home to Ireland to see my parents. Witch is all fine and dandy but I hate flying. I hate everything about planes in general. So there is that. Secondly, it was the first time brook is meeting my parents. They know that we are together, they have been begging to meet him. I'm just afraid that they are not going to like him. I am also worried that he might not like them, or they might not get along. 

" Is everything alright babe?" Brook says bring out my thoughts 

" Ya everything is fine." 

" I don't think so. Is it about flying?" 

" Ya it is." I say telling him only half the truth. 

" Well I'm going by side your side the whole time. I don't plane leaving your side during the entire  flight."  He says kissing my cheek. 

It wasn't 5 minuets later and announce our gate and we board our plane. Once we found our seats Brooklyn grabs my hand doesn't let go till we are up in the air. 

" See everything is going fine." He says. 

" I know because you are here." I tell him. 

" You should listen to music and try and sleep its going a long flight." He says handing me headphones. 

I did just that. It took a while but I did end falling a sleep. 

Brooks pov 

Jack is currently asleep. I was glad he was and hope you stays like that until we get off the plane. I think it would be good for him so he doesn't  panic. I Feel bad for him because he really hates flying. When ever he have time to go home he has to deal with it. I am glad that I am with him this time, to help get through it. 

XXXXX time skip to getting off the plane XXXXX

We just got off the plane and are know getting out bags. I was getting a bit nervous because  this first I am meeting jacks family. Once we finally fond out bags we got uber and headed to Jacks house.  When we got there we went up to the door , Jack going first. He stops  suddenly and turned to me an said. 

" I'm really nervous what if they don't like you. " 

" I'm sure it wont that bad. " I tell him. In reality I'm freaking out. 

Jack knocked on the door to house. We waited In silence for  few seconds before there was shuffling coming for in side.  The door was then suddenly open. We were greeted by his mouther.  

" Hi, Come in come in. You must be Brooklyn. " She said as we walked in. 

" Yes I am nice to meet you." 

" It finally nice to meet you to. Jack has told us a lot about you." She says as we continue threw the house . When we get in to the lounge there was a guy sitting on the sofa. 

" Brook, this is my da. Dad this is Brooklyn." Jack says. I could tell that he was nervous. 

" Nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand. 

" You to." He says back. 

After that we just chilled in the lounge talking and stuff. Around dinner time jacks mum ordered pizza. Once we had all eaten Jack and I decided to go to bed. He showed me to his room upstairs.  We both got ready for bed and laded down in bed. I tern over and look at him and said. 

" See that was that bad was it." 

" No it wasn't. I was expecting it to be really bad to be honest." 

" Well it wasn't. I think it went really well. Plus I like your family they seam really nice." 

" Thank you." He said smiling. I leaned down and kissed him. He curled up and to my side and we both went to sleep. Today was a good day. 

A/n Sorry for the lack of updates. Also don't forget I take request. 

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