4 randy

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A/n Just a heads up, there is a lot of swearing in this chapter, so if you don't like that, don't read this chapter. It's an au that me and my friend made. Also, it has a lot of pov switches. 

Andy's POV 

I'm currently sitting in my study hall reading a book. This is what I do in almost all my study halls. Oh, ya, and avoid Rye Baymont as much as posible. There never used to be a problem between us until a few years back. We got in to a fight, and now we despize each other. My life is not normal by any means, seeing as I'm a demigod, a half god-half human hybrid. Yes one of my parents is a god. A greek god, to be more accurate. My father is Hades, God of the Underworld. I knows it's hard to believe but its true. Anyways,  lets stop talking about my wird life and get back to the book I'm reading. 

Rye's POV 

I'm currently walk down the halls of this shit hole. Oh, sorry, I meant school. I hate everything about school, but mainly it's the pepole. Also, I hear and know about all the gossip becuse I have super hearing. Why is that, you may ask? Well it's because I'm a werewolf that, means part human part monsterous wolf if you didn't know. I'm part of the red moon pack. Anyways, I'm currently wandering the halls because I don't feel like going to class. Besides, it's just a study hall. I just don't want to deal with Andy Fowler. 

*** the next day***

Andy's POV 

I'm rushing to my 4th period class: Mythology. Ironic seeing as I'm a demigod. I took the class because I figured it would be a easy A. Anyway, my STUPID uncle was all like, I'm Zeus, so you have to come up to Olympus and get cursed to be with my Rye Baymont for the rest of my fucking life.  I fucking hate my Dad's side of the family. They always my life a literal living hell, thanks Hades.  The only good thing about today is that I don't have to deal with Rye.  As I walk into Mrs. Cullen's class, she starts FLIPPPING OUT AT ME!

"Detention, Mr. Fowler! You're late for my prestiduous class!"

"Well I had, uh, a (Think Andy, think!) FAMILY EMERGENCY!"

"I don't care about your personal life! Unless you are dead, you will be on time for my class!"

I sulk to my seat, knowing I will have to deal with the detention room's most frequent visitor, Rye.

Rye's POV

I show up to detention late no surprise there. Good thing the teacher for it today is Mr.Black and he doesn't care about anything. They only bad part is the only seat left is next to Andy unfortunately. I sit own next to him and he nervously starts looking at me. 

"Come here often?" Why the fuck is Andy asking me that?

"Any pets?"

Um, ya, but I'm not going to tell him that. What is his problem?

"I have a dog. Her name is Bella. She like treats.

I have to ask. "Are you okay?"

"Ya, why?"

"Last I checked, we hated each other, so why the fuck are you talking to me?"

"Boys," Mr. Black interjects, "You aren't supposed to be talking, or swearing, Mr. Baymont, but if you keep it down I won"t say anything."

After he says that andy stops talking but keeps muttering to him self. Thanks  to my super hearing I can tell he is saying something about a curse. Last time I cheked cuerses are not real but then again I'm a waerworf so what do I know. 

Andy's POV

I feel like I should tell him about the curse, if not for his sake then for my sanity.  It would make everything so much easier.  I tell him to meet me out in the parking lot after detention, deciding that I have to say something.  The last 45 minutes of detention drag on, until we are finally released from our prison sentence.  I walk out into the parking lot, not expecting that I would actually see Rye sitting against the wall, waiting for me, looking like he wants to kill himself. Honestly, same.  

"So, what bullshit did you want to say?"

Asshole. I start telling him everything, the truth about me, the curse, everything. He looks down, nods and says, "Well, that's not the weirdest thing I've heard.


"Ya, I have something to tell you too. I'm a werewolf."

skip to a few weeks later 

The last few weeks we have been getting to know each other. I would like to consider us friends, and honestly it's not that bad. We're both screwed up in our own ways, so it works out pretty well.  

Ryes pov 

Andy and I get along pretty well. I think I like more than I should, if that's even possible. I have never thought about liking a guy before. I'm ok with it, myself, but never would admit that to anyone, especially him.  I'm going around to his house around 1. I don't know what we will be doing but I guess I will find out when I get there. 

As I left, I did something I somewhat regret, but not at the same time.  I kissed him.  Immediately after I ran, but if I'm not mistaken, he kissed me back.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this story! Comment if you want us to write a part 2! (Thanks to Madison for proofreading!)

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