24 Mindy

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A/n I will be posting lest because I have started cheering and show choir, but I will try to post as much as I can. Also for the sake of this story Andy is a solo artist and Hrvy is in the band. 

Mikey's pov 

I was running late for yet again, but it was not my fault. I live with 5 other people witch make it hard to do anything in  the mornings. I work in a library, I absolutely love it. Its not a hard job, my favorite part is when I do story time with the kids. Today is one of the days I get to read to the kids, they are so cute. One other thing I like about working in a library is that it is vary quite. I don't get a lot of quit at home seeing I live with 5 other people, especially Brooklyn, he is the loudest  ether way I am glad they are my roommates. 

Once I get to the library I work at, I went and put my stuff in the small back room were all the workers keep their things. Another  good thing about this job was it was only 3 days a week. I go get the books that have been return and had to be put back on the shelves. Looking at the top shelf I seeing it was children's books. Going over to the area I see a fellow worker, Jackson setting up for the morning story time. On story time days we do it twice a day. I do it the afternoons. Jackson typically dose it in the mornings if he is here that day. 


I just got done my lunch brake and was about to go set up the children's area. As soon as I walk out of the back room and around to the main front desk, a small girl walks up to me. She looks up at me and quietly says. 

" I cant find my big brother can you help me." 

" Of corse  I can little one. What's your name." I ask crouching down in front of her. 

" My name is bell. My big brothers name Is Andy."

" Well bell my name is Mikey. Were did you see Andy last." 

" By the kids stuff." She says softly. 

" Ok." I tell her. 

I take her by the hand an lead her to the kids area. I see a couple kids with their parents. I then see a boy with blond hair about my age. He was looking down a isle of books. 

" Excuse me. Is this your little sister?" I ask him. 

" Yes. Thank you so much. I turned around for 5 seconds and see was gone." 

" It is ok. I'm Mikey by the way." 

" I'm Andy. Again thank you so much."  

" Its not a problem. " I tell him. 

I then go to the story time area and start setting up and fixing everything. It wasn't long after I finishes when kids started coming in. As the all sat down I noticed one of the is bell, the little girl I had helped earlier. I got the book I was reading and sat in my spot. Out of the Connor of my I eye I see Andy. Thinking about it he is pretty cute. Anyway I have a job to do.  

It is now about 6:30 and I am playing football in the garden with one of my roommates jack. All together living in the house their is Jack, Brooklyn, Hrvy, Rye, Robbie, Alex, and me.  The others were inside doing god knows what. Just as I was about to make a goal jack comes from the side kicks it really hard and sends it flying in to out Nabors yard. 

"come on lets go get it." He says while laughing. 

" I don't find this vary funny." I tell him. 

" I know you don't and that's why I do." 

Rolling my eyes at him we walk over next door. We knock on the door. If it wasn't for the fence we could have just gotten it.  Just as jack is about to knock for a second time the door swings open. Standing their was the last person I expected to see standing their. 

" Well we meet again." He says. 

" I guess so. Anyway my idiot of a friend here kicked our ball in to your yard." 

" Oh I can go get it for you." 

" Thank you." I say. As he walks away I look over at jack and see him giving me a odd look. 

" How do you know him?" 

" We met at work . His little sister was in my story group." 

" Ya ok." 

" Its the truth. 

He just rolls his eyes as Andy comes back. 

" Here you go.I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other." He says

" I guess we will." 

He was right because that day happened 8 months ago. As of tomorrow we will have been dating for 6 months. Its been the best 6 months ever. Along they way we have learned that we both sing, him being a solo artist and me being in a band. The members of my band are also my roommates. Hrvy, Jack, Brooklyn, Rye and me. We did everything our self's but we are know signed under the same management as Andy. Starting in 2 weeks the 6 of us will be going on tour together. I cant wait. 

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