31 Mack

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A/N this one is weird just go with it. 

Jacks pov 

I sat behind a rock by a clearing in the woods that lead in to a park. I have bee doing this since I was a kid. I am technically not supposed to do this, it could get me in trouble  with the Alpha of my pack. Yes you heard me right pack, I am a werewolf. Everything that I have done since I was born had been at the pack house. I am youngest besides the young kids at ages 8- new born. I get yelled at and in trouble a lot, sometimes I didn't even do anything. It wasn't until a few years ago when my parents died in a fight with a different pack when I started getting yelled at. Any way back to why I am here at the park. I like watching normal people and what they do. Lately though there has been on person is much more interesting to the then the rest. He is kind of tall with fluffy black hair, he is also vary cute. Around this time for the past two weeks he has come sit at the same bench with some sort of drink. Once he finishes his drink he gets up throws the cup away and leaves. Not long after I also leave. Today as he sits on his bench with his drink it feels like he is looking right at me. I keep well hidden so its more than likely that I am just imaging it. Once he leaves I head back to the pack house so I don't get in trouble. 

It has been a few days and I am doing the same thing I always do. Today though it seemed as the mystery boy shows up at a letter time than usual. He also has two drinks and appears to be looking for someone. Once he sits down on his bench it feels like he his looking right at me again. I back up further behind the rock just incase he can see me. Once I stop moving he stands up from the bench and walks tords me. Scared I back in to the woods and find a big bush to hide behind. I can no longer see him, hopefully that means he cant see me. I know I should leave but a big part of me says stay, so I do. After a couple of minuets I hear a twig snap. I pear out a bit and he is standing about 8 feet away from me. 

" Hay you !" Yells out. As he gets closer I go to run, but when I do he grabs my arm. 

" I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Mikey what's yours? 

" Jack." I shakily say to him. 

" Well its nice to meet you Jack. I have seen you out here for the past few days , why is that ? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." 

I was quit for a few minuets. But then for what ever reason I told him, I told him everything. When I was done I felt bad, he also seemed shocked. 

" Wow. I mean that's a lot. Umm and here, this tea is for you. Why don't we go sit down and I can tell you about my self and you can explain a few things better."

We went and sat down on the bench and talked. We when and sat on the bench he sits on everyday.  He told me about his friends and family. Almost everyday after we would meet up and talk. I also got to meet his friends. Their names are Brook, Andy, rye, and Hrvy. I wish I wasn't  werewolf and half to deal with all of this stupid pack stuff, maybe one day I wont have to. 

XXXXX Time skip 6 months XXXXXX

About 3 months ago Mikey and I started dating. ITs about one in the morning and I am about to sneak out of the pack. I am going to live with Mikey and all of his friends. I love him so much and cant wait to get out of here. When I got to the park were we decide to meet up, he hugged and kissed me. 

" Lets go home." He said before taking my hand. 

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