23 Marvy

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A/n for the sake of this one shot Hrvy lives with them in the new house. Sorry this one is short and sucks. 

Hrvys pov 

Today it the day that me and Andy get home from Mexico. I know Andy is extremely existed to get home to Rye. Me personally am existed to go home to se Mikey. We don't get to spend a lot of time together because I am constantly traveling and so is he. Andy and I are waiting at our gate to et on our flight to head home. I think that the fact that we booth really want to get home is going to make the flight feel super long. I'm going to try and sleep for most of it , or maybe even all of it. I have a tendency to just sleep on flights. Its good because it goes by faster but I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something important. Nothing fun ever happens on flights but you never know. 

" You existed to be home for a while?" Andy askes me. 

" Yes. It feels like I haven't been home in ages." 

" It feels weird traveling with just you and not the rest of the boys."

" Ya I can imagine it would be. I bet its a lot quitter though." 

" That it is." He said. It wasn't long after until out flight got called. 

When we landed we quickly got our bags to leave. Both wanted to get home ASAP. Jack and Alex are piking us up from the airport. As always they were vloging it. We all did our hellos and hugs, getting in the car and heading to the house. On the car ride their we cached up on everything that had been happing, and jammed out to music. 

We just pulled in to the drive way, I was vary existed to be home. I got my bag out of the trunk of the car and headed inside. I got to the living room  and put my bags down.  It wasn't 10 seconds later when I was tackled in to a bar hug. I realized it was Mikey and hugged him back. It felt good to be in his arms again. It has felt like a eternity since we got to be together. 

" I missed you so much." He says not letting me go. 

" I missed you to. I love you." 

" I love you to." He says kissing me. Once we had all spent a bit of time together down stairs, Mikey and I went up to his room. After both put on pajamas and cuddle and catch up on everything that has happened. Its good to be home. 

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