17 rack

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A/n sorry for being a inactive bitch but not really. Also this was written on my phone. Don't forget j take request.

Ryes POV

It was around 12:30, most of the boys were out. Jack and I decided to stay home and Wait for hrvy seeing as he was coming home today. I'm siting in my room editing the new vlog. As I was doing this I see my door slowly open and jack quietly sat.

"Rye,can I come lay with you."

" yes of course. " I tell him.

He comes over and lay's down beside me. I rap one of my arms around him pulling him close. All day he has been glued to my side. I mean he is normally glued to my side,  but like more then usually. Not that I'm complaining about it I love cuddle time with him, I'm just worried something is wrong.

"Hay lovey?"

"Yes?" He says looking up at me.

" Is everything alright? "

" ya why?"

" Just making sure you are ok. "

" I'm fine rye I promise"

"Ok." I say kissing his head.

Jacks POV

The truth was I was not ok. Last night I was hanging out with Mindy in their room. They were watching the news. Why is beyond me I think the news is boring. Anyway I wasn't really playing attention until the weather came on, and that wasn't until the weather man said that we are going to get a huge storm tonight. He also said it could be the biggest storm of the year. I hate storms. Non of the boys know that. That's also the reason I haven't left ryes side today. I mean he is my boyfriend so that's nothing new. But like I haven't left his side Evan More.

✖✖✖✖✖time skip✖✖✖✖✖

It was know about 6:30. The boys, hrvy and I all just got back from nandos. I was hoping this storm was going to pass but from looks of the sky that was not going to happen.

"We should watch a movie." Hrvy yelled coming out of his room to the Mindy room.

" OK that should we watch?" Mikey asks.

" how about fast in furious. " Brooklyn's suggest walk in to the room as well.

" sounds good. Rye had jack can make tea and popcorn. Mikey find the movie. Brook,hrvy and I will go get a bunch of pillows and blankets. " Andy says giving everyone a job.

Rye and I get up off the sofa and head to the kitchen. I get the popcorn ready and rye get the tea. One we were done we put everything on the coffee table. Mikey and Andy were on Andy's bed, brook and hrvy on Mikey's bed, and rye and I on the sofa. Rye was laying down with me in top of him, my head on his chest. We also had a big fluffy blanket that was really warm. I hope I fall asleep before the Storm starts. I normally can sleep through them. If it start when I'm a wke its a whole different story.

It was about 15 minutes in to the movie and it started raning.

" Are we supposed to get a strong?" Hrvy askes.

" ya it was on the news last night." Andy tells him.

"Who watches the news anymore?"

" will you two shut up we are watching a movie." Rye yells at me making me laugh.

Not that long after the guest clap of thunder hit causing me to jump. I could tell rye noticed because his grip around my waist tightened. I put my head in to his chest. At this point I want even watching the movie. After about the third clap of thunder it was raining and there was lightning. I could tell rye new I was scared. How I new was evrytime I jumped he would hold me closer too him.

" Do you want to go in to my room away from the boys?" Rye wisperd to me.

" yes please. "

" Jack and I are headed to bed." Rye says standing up with me in his arms. There was a chorus of good nights as we left the room.

He put me down on his bed and claimed in next to me. I culled up in to his side. Him outing his arms around me.

" Jack I know your scared but in right here and in not going anyway."

" I know rye. I love you."

" I love you to."

Hrvy and roatriptv one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now