11 Randy

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A/N This is a randy fluff one sorry its short. Requested by 

Ryes pov 

It was a rainy day here. I also looked at the weather for latter and they were calling for thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can be a good and bad thing.  Why they are good thing is I get instant cuddles from Andy, The bad part is he gets really scared and hates them. I don't like seeing him upset. I have a plan so I get cuddles and he doesn't get scared. I'm going to have him watch movies with me so we can have time the two of us, But also hopefully he will fall asleep before they storm comes. He is currently in his room.

" Andy can you come here!" I yell. 

" What do you want?" He asked walking in the room. 

" I want to know if you want to cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day." 

" Sure let me get changed in to some sweats." He says leaving to change. I get the movie ready while he changes. 

I get bunch of pillows and blankets and made a Minnie fort out of my bed. Once he came back in we curled up and watched the movie. Half way threw I got a notification on my phone. It was from the weather app I had saying storms are soused to start in a hour. Andy didn't look one bit tired. I started playing with his hair knowing it helps him fall asleep. 

" Rye what are you doing?" He asked. 

" Playing with your hair its really soft." I say.

He just nods and lets me keep playing with it. After a few minuets of doing this he snuggles closer to me looking drowsy. 

" Rye?" 

" Yes Andy" I say looking down at him. 

" I'm tired. Can you sing to me?"


I start to sing a song that I think describes our relationship. That song is secret love song by little mix. Why I think it matches us is because we cant be public about us being together.  We have been together for a year. We told they boys and Blair about 6 months ago.  We keeping but Blair doesn't want us telling the fans. Why we don't know. We both want but sadly we cant. Once I finish the song I see that Andy was fast asleep on my chest. I think I can say that my plan was a successes. 

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