28 Jacklyn

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A/N happy 2019. This is a au one shot kind of. I also its not going to be historicaly corret becue I live in America and have no idea how they king and queen thing works in the U.K so we are just going to go with it. Also for the sake of this story Ireland also has a king and queen and so dose every other county in the world. also their ages change a bit. 

3rd pov

The king in queen of England  was vary happy the day that their son was born. It seemed to be a perfect day. The whole world seem to know about the birth of their son The happy parents of the new borne baby decided to name him Brooklyn. He was a vary happy baby and kid. He was everything his parents could ask for in more 

A year after the Brooklyn was borne  The king and queen of Ireland had their first child. They named him Jack. It wasn't long after he was borne the annual meeting of all the kings and queens a crossed the world happened. This year it was being healed in Australia. Along with all of the kings and queens came their kids as well. They hired lots of staff to keep a eye on them. During this meeting the king and queen of Canada got mad because the were the only ones with out a son. At the time it was just England and Ireland in the room. They started to argue and the king of Canada pulled out a potion and put on Brooklyn and Jack cursing them to never be able to find a  queen when they took over the thrown. Their parents know that the are cursed but not sure by what. 

XXXXX Present day XXXXX

Brooklyn's pov

It was a pretty normal day. Well as normal as it can get when your the prince of England. It was almost dinner time and we are having my favorite chicken and pasta. I just got o the phone with my best mate Hrvy. How we became friends is his mom was my private teacher and alode him to be here in the castle. Any way I am make my way down the  dinning room for dinner when I hear my parents arguing. Its most likely  about me, I don't fallow the rules to well and I'm in constant trouble. 

" hi mum, dad." I say entering the room. 

" Hello son. Their is something your mother and I need to talk to you about. Take a seat dinner is almost ready." 

" Ok?" I say confused. What did I do this time? 

" So the annual meeting of kings and queens is coming up. You haven't been to one since you were about a year old. This year we would like you to join us seeing as you only have a couple more years before you take over the thrown." My dad explains to me. 

I was shocked. As far I a I know I had never gone to one. It was a week long event and normally spent it messing around in the kingdom, with Hrvy and my other mate Mikey. 

" Oh. Were is it even being held this year?" I ask. 

" Ireland. Besides you need to start looking for someone to be your queen." My mouther tells me. 

I role my eyes at that. The truth is I don't want a queen. I want a king, but if I tell my parents that I don't know what they would do to me. Plus I'm their only kid. I was have thought about asking out Hrvy but, I think I lost My chance and he is with Mikey. 

" When do we leave?"

" We leave in 2 days so suggest after dinner you start packing."  My mum says. 

XXXXX 2 days later XXXXX

we left early this morning for Ireland. I slept the hole way their so m not sure what happened on the way. I do know when we got their we were met by the king and Queen. Their was a brief introduction before they started talking non stop with my parents. It was a good ten minuets past before a young boy about my age came up to us. 

" Jack. This is the king and queen of England, This is Brooklyn the prince. Why don't you sow him around the kingdom. 

"Ok mum. Nice to meet you Brooklyn fallow me." I do he leads me up a flight of stairs and to a room on the vary end of the hallway. 

"This is were you will be staying. My room a crossed the hall, when you are done settling come get me and I will give yo a tore of the place. I put my bags in to the room and just looked around. Their was a small lounge area, I big double bed, T.V, and a balcony. I went out on the  balcony, it overlooked a huge garden. Over to the left their seemed to be hoarse stables. Riding with Hrvy and Mikey is one of my favorite pass times. I will have to ask jack about it. I walk out my room and a crossed the hall and knock on the door. I opens and jack says.

" You ready for a tour." 

" I guess so." 

he shows me the enier place and then some. I have only known him for a few hours but I feel like I have known him longer. It is so essay to talk to him. He is also really cute. I learn that he loves to ride horses to, can sing vary well, his best friends are called Andy and Rye,and many other amazing things. We were heading back inside for dinner. 

XXXXXX The last day their XXXXXXXX

It is my last day in Ireland and I'm kind of sad about it. I am supposed to go the last big meting to day but instead, Jack and I got up early and left on horses to day. We spent the hole day just messing about. Went to a swimming place, had a pick nit, and know are watching the sun set on a big clearing by a lake. What I am about to say may sound crazy and be the biggest risk of my life but I don't care. 

"Jack. I know we have only known you a short about of time but I feel like I have known you my hole life. You may think I'm crazy but I don't care. Will you jack duff prince of Ireland be my boyfriend?" 

" Your not crazy brooky. I liked you from the day I saw you. So yes I will be your boyfriend." I was surprised he said yes. What he did next surprised me more. He kissed me. I kissed back loving every second of it. 

I knew I never wanted a queen, but I think I have found my king. 

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