32 Brook X Mikey

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A/N I think that this one is really cute. Also a heads up it has a lot of time skips. Also writing this I'm my phone.

3rd persons pov 

It was late at night and the happily married couple, was getting ready to put their two children down to bed. Their son Colton and  daughter Camron ,  the two were twins. 

" If you two hurried up and get into bed we will have time for a bed time story." Mikey yelled out to his kids. 

He husband Brooklyn, walked in to the twins room with one on each hip. Together the put the two giggling children to bed. Once both were settled down Brook askes,

" What story would you like to here to night?" 

" How you and dad meet!" Colton yelled. 

"Are you sure you want to here that one again?" Mikey asked his two kids. 

" Yes it is our favorite one." Camron added in. 

"Well you see it all started about 9 years ago......"

Brooks pov

Today I was with the rest of the boys getting ready to meet our new trilist for the band. All I know about him is his name is Mikey. We are all really excited to have a 4th member of the band, We were wating at the studio. The door opens and Blair walks in followed by him. He is the cutest person I have ever seen. About 6 months latter we started dating.

XXXXX TIME skip 5 years XXXXX

Mikey was Being weird the past few days. I'm worried Becuse I have never seen him act like this. I  look around the house for him, just to realize he is not here. I sit down on the coach and call him a couple times, but he didn't answer. As I'm contemplating what to do he calls back.

"Hay sorry I didn't answer I was driving. " he says.

" Its ok I was just worried that's all."

" And you have every right to be love. I want you to come meet me at our spot."

" Ok see you soon. I love you."

"I love you to. "

Our spot is this area by a lake with a really big tree. I got changed, get a uber and head over. When I get thier it is just about sun set. There is a picknick set up with all kinds of candles, it was beautiful. As I walk closer I see the most beautiful man in the world Mikey Coban. He walked up to me and we kissed.

"I love you so much brook, I would change anything about you except one thing." He says, witch scars me.

" What do you mean?" I ask

" we need to change your last name." He says getting down on one nea. I tackle him in a hug. When we stand up he puts the ring on my finger.

XXXXX TIME skip 2 years XXXXX

About 3 months ago Mikey and I decided we wanted kids. A week ago we went to the adoption center, we found a pair of twins named colton and Cameron. Today we get to bring them home. Once we got thier those we were both ready to go. O I was happy we could bring them in to our home and give them a happy life. It will be nice. We both have always wanted a big family. 

XXXXX present day 3rd pov XXX XXX

" And that how we meet and stoped you two!" Brook  said smiling at his kids.

" know that you guys got your story you both need to go to sleep. It's going to be a long day with your aunts, uncles, and cousins tomarow." Mikey lectures.

The two tied late ts head to their room easily falling asleep. The two young kids in the other hand not so much. But soon enough the entire house hold was sound to sleep waiting for the fun day ahead of them.

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