3 Jacklyn

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a/n this is a sic fic requested my @Zonahfandomforever hope you like it. 

Jacks pov 

We had jsut finished  a  show and were heading back to the hotel. Just to leave like 5 minutes later to go get food. The only reson we are going to the hotle is becuse rye wants to change. Why I don't know. I was kind of glad becuse I had a killer headace  and I couldget something for it. I hopeing after I take soemthing It will just go away. IF it dont i wil just have to suffer and that's not sun. 


We got our food and were all eating it was really good. I got a burger of some sort. I didnt think It was going to be as good as it is. I was at the end of the table with brooklyn next to me. The headace had not gone way if anything it made it worse I was finshed eating and so was andy. We are just waiting for the others to finish so we can leave. I didnt eat as much as I normaly do. The reson being I started to feel kind of dizzy so I thought it was best to sit here and try not to think.  It help some but not enough. I hope that they hurry up and finish so we can leave. At this point all I want to do is go to sleep and have cuddle time with Brooklyn. But that last thing isn't going to happen because we share a room with mikey. Andy and rye get there own room. The problem isn't mikey being in the room. Its the fact that no one knows that we are together.   

We had just finished and paid . We where out by the car getting ready to get in it and leave. At this point I was extremely dizzy and felt like I was about to pass out. Rye and andy were messing  around and I they have the keys. I wish they would stop so we can just get in the car and leave. Just as I'm about to get in the car everything started to spin and go black. 

Brooks pov 

    After the show jack was acting a little bit off but I Didn't say anything. Know I know why. He just passed out. If it wasn't for mikey standing behind him he would have fallen. 

" What do we do." I yelled getting out of the car taking jack from mikey and put  him down In the back seat. 

" some body call blair." I yelled again. I was full on panicking at this point. What if he doesn't wake up. What if there is something seriously wrong with him. 

" It will be ok." rye says. 

" what if its not. What if there is something seriously wrong with him." I tell him close to tears. 

" Blair says he wants as to meet him at the AE." andy says. We all pile in the car and head their. I hope he is ok. I don't know what I would do if he isn't. 

When we got there they took him in to a room. They said that only one person could go with him so blair did. So know I'm pacing the waiting room. 

" Hay brook  we are all worried but calm down a little mate."  rye says to me. 

" I would but I cant. I just keep thinking the worst." 

" he will be fine but why do you look like your going to throw up." 

" because I'm worried>" 

" we all are. There is more to isn't there." andy says. 

" No everything is fine I'm just worried about jack." I say at this point close to tears. I sometimes wish they would leave it a lone.  

" just tell us brook it cant be that bad. Can it?" andy continues. 

" If I don't want to I don't have to ." I say letting a few tears slip. I tern around so I dnt have to face them so the wont know that I'm crying. 

"  Andy if this was you I would be the same way." rye says.       ( a/n rady is together and the fans know) 

"what are you going on about rye?'' Andy asked him.

" Not to be rude, but its kind of obvious that you guys are together or that you at lest like him." rye says. I stay quite witch basically just gives it away apparently even more now. 

" Ok know I'm interested in this conversation and confused?'' mikey adds in. 

" If you guys are together you know we don't care" andy says 

I finely just to tell them. The reason we haven't yet is because I  was afraid if we told them they would tell they fans, and I don't want to tell them yet. 

" Yes we are together. We have been for a while, the reason why we haven't told you guys yet is because  I don't want the fans to know yet." 

" that ok brook we wont tell them, but also I'm going to be forever single and alone." Mikeys says making as all laugh a little, We had a group hug. As soon as we all backed away from each other, blair walks in the room. 

" Jacks awake but they said only two  people at a time." 

He wales down the hall to his room with me fallowing close behind. Once we Get to the room I slowly open the  and walk in. He was sitting up in the bed staring off at the wall. I walk up to him and hug him and say.

" I was so worried about you. Why didn't you tell me something was wrong?''

" I don't know, I thought it was just going to pass. But it didn't." He says as we pull out of the hug. 

" Just tell me next time ok. Also I told the boys about us." 

" that's ok. I just want to leave this place.'' He says. That's just what we did. Once we go to the hotel  We all went to bed. I cuddled up to jack and fall asleep instantly.  

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