26 Jandy

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Andy pov 

To day the boys and  have studio , and I have feeling its going to a vary long studio day. We a recording a panic at the disco cover. ( A/N Just because I really want them to) The song we are doing is overpass. I personally thinks is going to be grate.  Rye and Mikey have been their for a hour or so already. Jack, Brooklyn, and I are our way know. When we got to the studio Rye was in the booth. I don't know who is going next it all depends on weather Mikey has gone. I sit down on the  sofa next to Mikey who was on his phone. Alex was outside with the others filming for the vlog. 

I hear the door open and a few seconds later, Jack comes and sits on my lap. He moves his body so he can nuzzle his head in to my neck. He did this, this morning at the house when we were waiting for Brooklyn. 

" Well someone is being cuddly today." I say looking down at him. He didn't say anything and just put his arms around me. Jack can be cuddly/clingy, but normally not this cuddly/clingy. If he is he is sick or something is bothering him. But he would have told me by now. 

" Is everything ok? Do you feel all right?"  I ask him worried. 

" I'm fine Andy. It only like 7:30 and I just want to cuddle." He says never moving form his spot, or opening his eyes. 

"If their is anything wrong pleas tell me."

"Ok." He says barley loud enough  for me to hear. Maybe  he is just tired. Neither of us have to go into the booth for a while so he has time to sleep. 

We stopped around noon time to have lunch. As we ate alex edit the vlog that had to go up to day. Jack had gotten more energy as the day went on, but was still clinger then normal. After we ate Brooklyn had to go back in to the booth, then we are doing group parts. Jack and I will be the only ones left after that. When brook  went in to the booth jack layed down in his spot on the sofa and put his head in my lap. I look down at his cute little face to see him with his eyes closed. 

It was almost 7 and we just got done with group harmonies and duet harmonies. Jack is know going in to the booth he doesn't have a big solo in the song. He has manly harmonies. I believe when he is done they are all going to head back to the house. I have quite a big part so I'm going to be here a while. Then I'm staying to help mash it together. We have to have it done by tomorrow because of were we want to film the music video. It takes jack about 45 minuets to his parts. 

" You ready to go?" Mikey asks him. 

" What?" He says confused. 

" You ready to go?" Mikey repeats. 

" I don't want to go." 

" What do you mean?" Rye asks him. 

" I don't want to go. I want to stay here with Andy." He says. That surprised me. I expected him to leave with the other boys. I pull him out of the room to see what is up with him. 

" Why don't you want to go with the others?" 

"Because I want to stay with you. You just got back from Mexico with Hrvy. I want to spent time with you even if it is in the studio. " 

" That's fine I was just wondering. I love you." I say hugging him. 

" I love you." 

We walk back into the studio. It took me a hour to do my parts . We still have to mash everything together, witch will take forever. Jack and I ended up falling asleep on the sofa cuddled up in the studio. It was a long day, if I had to pull all nighter I'm glad it was with Jack. I'm also glad he stayed with me. 

A/n I sill am taking request. Also I have new boo coming out soon. It has nothing to do with roadtrip but if you like murder investigations you should cheek it out. 

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