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a/n this one kind of sucks. like it sucks a lot. I take request. IT going to be hard to writ now because of everything I have but I will try my best. also Hrvy new song/ music video made me cry 

Andy's pov 

It is they boys and I's 1 year anniversary and I want to do something special for them. Yes you hears me right boys as in many. I'm in a relationship with 4 other people. There names are Rye,Mikey, Brooklyn, and Jack. As I was saying its our one year today. To do what I want to do I have to get up before all them. With our roommate and videographer Alex I was able to go to the store and get everything with out them knowing. When I got home form the store Rye was the only one awake. 

" Happy anniversary. As a treat I'm cooking breakfast. " He says hugging me. We stay like that in middle of kitchen for a couple minuets.  

" Don't let any of boys going to the patio by the cinema room. You don't go their as well."  I tell him. 

" Ok I wont., I will tell the others. My I ask why?" 

" I am planning something. Its a surprise. " I tell him. 

After that got my stuff and headed to the patio and set to work. With the help of Alex it only took about a hour. We stopped half way through to go inside and eat breakfast. 

Going inside after doing the finishing touches I see all the boys cuddling on the coach. In need one of them to help me but the others to also move. I go over to Alex and tell him the plan.

" Hay Mikey could you come here. I need your help with somwthing."

"Of Course love." He says walking over to me kissing my cheek.

" I know you are vary busy,but can have you other 3 come look at something on this video?" Alex asks.

They all get up and fallow him to the filming room. I turn to Mikey and say.

"I have a suprize for you and the boys. You get to see it first, as help me set up the snacks."

He helped me get them all and lead him to suprize. We went to the patio werebi set every thing up. I set up a out side project and got as meny blankets as I could and set them out. I had gotten a old night stand that we never use to put drinks and snacks on.

" oh my god! Did you do all of this?" Mikey asked putting the food down.

"Yes, with a bit of help from Alex."

" I love it. The others will to."

" I wanted to do something special for you guys."

" Its amazing. I love."

"I love you to." I say kissing him. 

We went inside and got the others. Once we gathered them all Mikey and I lead them out to the spot. When the saw it the was a few wows. I cold tell from their reaction that they liked it. That made me happy. 

" Did you and Mikey do this?" Brooklyn asks me. 

" No, I didn't. Andy did this entire thing himself." Mikey answers. 

" well I had help from Alex." I tell them. 

" This is sick." Jack says hugging me. 

" absolutely." Rye agrees. 

For the rest of they day the 5 of us sat outside watching a verity of movies, and eating snacks. Every once in a while we would change  how we were laying/siting so we could all cuddle together. All in All it was a good and I got to sped it with my boys. My favorite people  in the word 

Hrvy and roatriptv one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now