6 Jacklyn

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A/N sorry for the lack of updates the past few days I haven't been home so I haven't had time to write. Also its short and sucks. 

Jacks pov

We are in the studio today working a couple covers. after we are going to film the Music video for a cover we did a few days ago. Every thing was going fine till a few minutes a go.  Brook and Andy were being really touchy and keep talking.  They have been kind of like this all day but know Brooklyn is ignoring me. I try to talk to him and Andy pushes me away. So me being the five year old that I am I decided I'm going to give him the silent treatment back. In the cover we are filming for today we have a part together. He will most likely  get mad at me for not talking to him but oh well. 

* time skip to later that night* 

We got back to the flat about a half hour ago. I'm laying in my bed looking at random things on Instagram because I have nothing better to do. I hear the door creek open to see brook standing there. I look at him then go back to my phone.  

"Are you ok?" he asked. I didn't answer. I'm still mad about what he did early. 

" Why are you not talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" 

" You know what you did." I say. I meanly said it to bother him. 

" Know I really don't." 

" All day you have ignored me for Andy." 

" Is that what you are mad about. I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize that I was ignoring you." 

" Ya do busy with Andy." 

" look I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I promise, I love you."  He says. He sits down on my bed and pulls me in to his lap and kisses my cheek. I put my head in the crook of his neck They last thing I remember before falling asleep is him singing  A team by ed sheeran and playing with my hair. 

Brooks pov

Jack was mad at me because I ignored him all day . I didn't realize I did but I feel bad. He is currently asleep in my lap. I pick him up and placed him down on his bed. I changed in to some comfier close and got in bed with him. He immediately culled up in to my side. I kissed him on the head and went to seep as well. 

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