Jacklyn 9

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A/N this is a Jacklyn sic fic  requested by @Zonahfandomforever hope you like it. Sorry its kind of short. 

Jacks pov.

We are chilling in the ravry room play video games. Well I should say that everyone else was playing video games I was sitting in Hrvys bed. I was laying with my head in brooks lap because I didn't feel al the grate. It is most likely nothing so I'm not going to tell anyone about it. I didn't really feel like playing video games right now any way. It was more fun watching Andy and rye get mad every time Hrvy and Brooklyn beat them. Mikey wasn't here because he had a family thing he had to attend. 

Brooks pov 

Hrvy and I were on a tam agents rye and Andy. We keep beating them and randy keep getting mad. I look down ask jack if he wants to play to see him asleep. I wonder when that happened. I'm supersized he can sleep with all of us yelling. Why didn't he just go to our room It was also only like noon time. 

" Hay guys I think I'm done playing I'm going to go put jack to bed seeing as he fell asleep." They all make some sort of sound in agreement. I pick him up and take him to our room and lay him down in his bed, and cover him up. 

" Brook?" He asked waking up.


" I'm cold can you get me another blanket?'' 

" Sure. Do you feel ok?" I ask giving him the blanket. 

" To be honest not really." 

" why didn't you tell me." 

" I didn't know I thought it would maybe go away if I went to sleep but I didn't it got worse." He says. He looked really pale. I put my hand agents his forehead. It was vary hot. 

" Jack love your burning up. I'm going to got get you some medicine." I say walking out of the room. 

I go to the kitchen and make us both some tea. After the were done I go get him so medicine from the bathroom. I felt bad tat he was sick. I know he hates getting sick. I walk back in to our room and hand him the medicine and tea. With a disgusted look on his face he takes it. 

" Can we cuddle know." 

I clime in bed with him. He instantly latches on to me. I rub his back and paly with his heir to get him back to sleep. Once I know that he is asleep I decided to go to sleep myself. 

Hrvy and roatriptv one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now