20 ot6

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A/n ot6 means its all 6 of the boys in one relationship mean it a Polly. This is my first time writing one so sorry if it sucks. Also 2 updates in one weekend look at me go. Also still taking request. 

Hrvys pov 

I just left my hotel with Blair to head to the venue I am performing at tonight. After tonight I only had 2 shows left, I am vary glad to. Don't get me Wong I absolutely love meeting the fans and performing, but it will be nice to be home with my boys.  Yes you heard me right my boys. AKA all of my boyfriends.  All together there are 6 of us. Jack, Mikey, Andy,  Brooklyn, Rye and of course me. We are vary happy together. They only down side is when  I'm away and their home and vice versa. We are not home at the same time vary often. Also the fact that Blair is they only one that knows about all of us. 

" yo Hrvy." Blair yells snapping his fingers in my face. 

" Ahh sorry what." 

" You kind of zoned out. We are hear." 

" Oh ok." I say getting all of my stuff and heading inside the venue. I got to my green room and put all my stuff down. I'm not really sure when sound check was so I decided to go hunt Blair down. 

It took about 20 minutes for me to find him. This was my first time performing hear so I didn't know were anything was. He was helping them set stuff up on stage. He was also talking with some one, so I went up on the stage waiting for him to finish. Once he did he walked over to me and asked me. 

" What are you doing?" 

" I came to see when sound check is." 

" As soon as we are done here. By the way in about a half hour you cant go in your green room. " He said. This confused me. 

" Why?" was all I said. 

" Because I said so." 

" Ok?" I say and go sit down in one of the seats while they finish. I wonder why I am not aloud to go in my green room. Sound check will take over a hour. So dose that mean I cant go in my green room at all? What would even be in their that I cant see? Why cant I go in their? At this point I'm just mad about it. Why I'm mad about it I couldn't tell ya. 

" Hrvy you ready to star?" Blair asks.

" Yup." I say getting up going on the stage. 

XXXXX Time skip to a hour or so later XXXXX

I just got down with sound check and went back stage to find Blair once again. I feel like when ever I need to talk to him or something I cant find him. Just as I turned the corner heading towards my green room I see him standing outside the door. 

" You can go in if you want." He says 

" Ok?' I say confused. 

I carefully open the door. I was kind of scared of what was in their because with Blair it could be anything. Once I had fully open the door I see all the boys standing their. A huge smile grows on my face and we go in for a group hug. Once I had hugged and kissed each of the boys separately I backed up and asked them. 

" Not that I'm mad but why are you guys hear?" 

" We asked and got permission from Blair to spend the rest of your tour with you."  Rye says

" Seriously? " 

"Yes seriously." Jack says kissing me. As he went to pull back I pulled him in to a hug and just heled him their.

" That makes me really happy."  I tell them. 

"I t make us happy to have all 6 of us together." Andy says. 

" Ya I dose." Mikey adds in. 

After the show we all went out to nandos to eat. it felt to be with all of them. I missed them so much. I think out of the 5 of them jack missed me the most because  he has been the most clingy then the others. like right know he is currently holding my hand as we waited for our food. Mikey was holding my other hand. 

Once we were all done  eating we wait back to the hotel. All of their stuff was already in the room. When we got in to the room we pushed the two beds that were in their together. After we all got ready for bed. We all hugged and kissed each other and got in bed. I was cuddled in between Andy and Brooklyn. It felt really rally good having them all with me. It made me extremely happy and I know it made them happy to. I loved them all so much, its just so hard being away form them. I love what I do for work, but at the same time I wish I wasn't away from home as much. Either way I am glad we are all together right here right know. 

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