14 rack

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A/N I go back to school Thursday so I wont be updating as much. Also this one shot is vary dark and depressing.

Jacks pov 

I woke up to the sound of yelling and banging come from out side of my room. I was not supersized seeing a this is a normal thing that happens all the time. I'm used to it by now. Its been a normal  thing for almost 2 years now. But hay its not my felt people thing I need to be. That they all think I'm crazy. I don't think I'm crazy I think I'm just different. All of a sudden the big steal door of my room is shoved open And three workers come in. One closer the door as they come near me. They put the plate of food on the small table in the small table. One stands next to the door grading it in case I try to escape. The other give my the medicine that is suppose to fix me. It doesn't do shit on me. IT make me feel numb for about a hour and that's it. After they leave and lock me back in to the room I can never leave I eat the food. I bet your wondering what's going on ,or how I ended up in a mental ward. Well it all happened about 2 and half years ago. 

XXXXX Flash back to 2 and a half years ago XXXXXX

It was a cold and rainy day. I had just gotten out of school and was walking to my boyfriend Mikey's house. No one liked him. Kids at school, My parents, his parents, random people on the street. Everyone also thinks he is a bad influence  on me. I don't care what they say. I love him and that's all the maters to me. Neither of us really cared what people think of us being together. As I walk up the dive way I noticed that the front door was wide open. That's weird he always locks the door and keeps it closed like a normal human being would. As I walk in to the house I noticed things out of place and broken. As I walk up the stairs I saw pitchers that had been nocked down. At the top of the stairs there was a big dent in the wall. I think someone brock in. I hope Mikey is ok. Were is he? He texted me a hour ago Before he left school. He left early. Panicking I walk faster threw the up stairs. As I got to Mikey's room the door was almost completely  pulled off its hinges.  I walk in to his room seeing it completely trashed. There was also red stuff all over the floor leading to his closet. I slowly open the door scared of what I was going to see.When fully opened it I screamed bloody murder. I started crying and screaming uncontrollably. Pulling out my phone I called 911 ( I don't know what it is in the uk)  I barley managed to get the address out. I still cant believe what I was seeing. My boyfriend they only person I ever loved. The only person I ever trusted laying there dead. His blood was every were he had  a knife in his head and chest. I don't know who did this but I was for sure going to make them pay. 

After that I wouldn't talk to anyone. After about 6 mouths of research and watching the cops do their investigation we finally found out who killed him. I found out were he lived. HIs name was Jackson. That night I went t his house and shot him. Don't even ask me how I got the gun. It wasn't 24 hours later I was put in here. I never got better. They all still think I'm crazy. When I was younger my mom always used to tell me love can make you do crazy things. I used to never believe her. Until I met Mikey. I would do anything for him. Did do anything for him. But I guys that's just what happens when your insane and in love. 

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