21 Jacklyn

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A/n Thank you all 4k reads also don't forget I take request. Also this is my longest one shot yet. Next week starting Wednesday I have no school for 5 days so I'm going to ty and writ as much as I can. 

Brooks pov 

Jack, Andy, Rye, Mikey and I are all currently un packing all of out stuff at the new house. Moving sucks because its so much work. In the new house we all got our own rooms. This is something I was vary happy about because we all tired of living on top one another. When we were living with Blair we all lived in 1 room. It was fine for a while because we were all bonding. But after be all together for so long in one room it started to cause a lot of fights. Then We moved in to our last flat we were separated in to 3 small rooms. When their 6 of us because Hrvy was their too. It was good but it still wasn't big enough. So after looking for a long time we found this house. I absolutely love it. We had a huge kitchen living room and we all get septet rooms. Its going to be weird not sharing a room with jack but I think it would be good for all of us. Just as I'm about to unpack My second to last box Jack walks in. 

" Andy and Mikey want to go to nandos to celebrate out first day in the new house. " He says. 

" Ok I will get to these last to boxes when we get back. " I say and fallow him to the front of the house were the other were. 

We had to park far way because the place was packed. Just as I got out of the car someone jumped on to my back. Turning my head I see that it is Jack. I fallow the others, as I do he rest his head in the back of my neck. When we got inside the building I put him down. We got a table and ordered our food. Looking around all the boys were chatting and seemed really happy. Well every one but Jack. I lean over whisper in his ear and say

" Hay are you ok?" 

" ya I'm fine I'm just tired from moving and stuff. " He says. I just nod. I only have believe him. To night will be the first night we all sleep in our separate rooms and I think that has something to do with it. Then aging he could telling the truth and I could wrong. 

XXXXX Time skip back to the house XXXXX

Once with we got back to the house we all went to finish unpacking and doing stuff. It didn't take me long to finished. It was oddly quit in the house so I go and seeing what they other boys are doing. I go in to Andy's room first he is asleep, Rye is as well. As I'm bout to go to jack Mikey come up the stairs. 

" Hay mate what you up to?" He asked. 

" Just seeing what everyone is doing. Andy and Rye are asleep, I don't about jack." 

" Cool well I'm off to bed." 

" Ok night mate." 

" Night." He says he walks in to his room. I continue to Jacks  room. I open the doo quietly incase he is asleep. All the light were off except one small. I look over to his bed see him sound asleep. I kind of figured he would be. He looked really tired, He also can sleep through almost anything. 

Leaving his room quietly I head back to my room. I turn off the and clime in to bed my self. I go on my phone for a bit liking post rom the rodies and replying to comments. I did that for about 20 minuets. I put my phone on charge curl up with my blanket and go to sleep. 

I'm not sure what time it was but I hear some one quietly saying my name. I open my eyes and see some one standing in my door way. It took me a second to realize who it was it was Jack. 

" can I come and sleep in here with you. I had bad dream." He says. 

" Ya sure." I tell him. He walks over and lays down in bed with me. A few seconds after he cuddled in to my side. I rub his back to sooth him. It wasn't 10 minuets later and he was asleep. I have a feeling just because  we all have our rooms that we all wont be sleeping by our self's.  Jack I bet will be in here with me most nights, or at least for the first month or so as we are all getting used to being here. I also have a feeling Andy will end up in Ryes room a few times. I'm not complain that he is in here with me. I would rather it be that way. I would cuddle with jack all day every day if I could. but sadly we cant because we have stuff to do, also the fact that we are not even  dating. I would like us to. I'm scared to tell him that I even  like him so that will probly never happen. But for know I am happy to be here in out new house in my new room with the two of us cuddling. And who knows maybe this will be a permanent thing. 

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