2 jarvy

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Hrvy pov

I'm on  a plane flying home. I love traveling and preforming for  fans but it will be nice to be home for while.  I'm excited to see all of the boys. They one I was most excited to see is Jack. I haven't seen him in so long it feels like. If your wondering why I am most excited to see him its because he is my boyfriend. We have been together for almost 9 months. Its hard sometimes to be away form him. The hardest part is I'm on tour when him and the others are not and when I'm not they are, at least that's what it feels like.  I will be glade when I get off this uncomfortable flight and see everyone. But in the mean time I might as well put some music on and go to sleep. 

When I got off the plane I went to go get my bags. once I find them I go and  wait for Blair to get here sense he is the one that is picking me up. Once I see him I get in the car and we drive to the flat. It was pretty late but the most of they boys are most likely still up. Knowing Jack he stayed up, I bet Brooklyn did to because he stays up all hours of the night anyway. I'm to sure about the other three. We park the car and I get one of my bags and Blair grabs they other one. We head up to the flat, he pulls out a key and and we both head inside. I put my bags down by the door and head to the mindy room/ lounge. when I walk in I see Mikey half a sleep in his bed, brook doing something in the kitchen and jack on the couch. I don't think that any of them realized that I was here yet. It wasn't two seconds later when I was attacked in a bare hug by jack. I hug him back. 

" I missed you so much." he says 

" I missed you to." I replied and kissed him. when we pull away we smile at each other. I then get a hug from Mikey and Brook. 

" How was it." Mikey asked

" It was good. A lot of fun, but I am glad to be home."

" well if you are all good here I'm going to head out." Blair says

" were at the other two?" I asked referring to rye and Andy. 

" asleep in your room. I think I'm going to sleep out here and you guys can have the Jacklyn room." brook tells us 

" ok. I know I just got here but I think that I'm going to head to bed. " I say. the all nod and I head to get my bags. I bring them in to the Jacklyn room. when I get in there jack is sitting on his bed. I change in to some different cloths and we both lay down on his bed cuddling.

" I'm glad your home." He says after a while. 

" Me to I love tour and seeing the fans but its also good just to stay home and do nouthin for a while to." 

" ya I get what you mean." he says. 

We sit in comfortable silence  cuddling.  After  a while we both feel asleep. I was so glad to be home with him. 

a/n Another one shot that sucked but oh well. Dnt forget to feel free to leave request. 

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