5 Mack

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a/n this is another au also I changed jacks age to 17. also don't forget I take request. 

Mikey's pov 

I open my eyes to see almost nothing. There is a faint light that allows me to see only a couple feet in front of me. I don't know were I am or how I got here. The last thing that I remember is my friend Andy and I walking home from the park. I wonder if he ended up here like I did. I jump at the sudden movement come from next to me. I look over hopping maybe it was Andy, and that he new how we got here. Instead I see a small boy covered in dirt, It looked like he had been here a while. I could tell that he had a couple cuts and bruises on his face. He seemed to be asleep. I try to move closer but my hands were tied to something on the floor on each side. He must be tied up to. I decide to wake him up and see if he had any information on why we were here. 

" Hay. Hay are you ok? Wake up." I say loudly. After a few second his eyes open. He looked around in a panicky way but then relaxed a little bit. 

" Excuse me, do you know how we got here or wear we are." I say. He jumped then looked over at me .He then said in a small voice. 

" No I don't. I have been her for a few weeks they wont tell me anything. " 

"Oh well do you know what they want from us who ever they is?"

" Not really. I think its like every other day they come in with a drink force you to drink it because you cant really fight back, you then pass out for a while and wake up back in here." 

" That is down right horrible." 

" Trust me I know . They give you a small bowl of cereal every so often." 

" wow. Isn't there somebody looking for you. I know that my family and friends will be lived that someone took me."

" I don't have any friends. I just have my dad and he will be glad that I'm gone." 

" Well once we get out of here I will be your friend and you can live with me and my friends." 

" You don't have to do that I doesn't matter anyway I will be stuck here forever. Besides I don't even know your name. " 

" well my name is Mikey, and  mean what I said. We will get out of here." 

" Well my name is jack. Do you really believe we will get out?'' 

" Yes, yes I do jack." 

* time skip to a few days* 

Its been a few days . I haven't been taken out of the room at all. Jack has twice. He seems to be getting week by the day. When he was taken out of the room they gave me food. They wont feed jack. I tried keep some for him but they too it away. We also have gotten to know each other pretty well to. I learned he is 17, has blue eyes, and brown hair. He is asleep right know as they just brought him back. Over they past days I have grown found of they young lad. I keep telling him that he s going to live with me and my friends because I found out that his dad had kicked him out. I heard yelling and banging on the door. Three people in police uniforms come in. 

" We are tied up. Be careful with him they have been doing stuff to him.'' I tell them. 

They police officers lead us outside and to a car. Jack was still passed out. They put him in a ambulance and took me to the police station. My friend's rye, Andy, Brooklyn, and Harvey were there with my mum and dad. I hugged them all and then the police wanted to question me, 

After  we all went to our house. after my parents left I told them about jack. They all agreed that he could live with us. I went to the hospital and they said that he was ok to leave. Once we got back I introduced him to every body. I gave him some of my cloths to sleep in. We both laid down in my bed. I pulled him close to me. He put his head on my chest and fell asleep. I'm glad I found him. I think we are going to be close. 

A/n lol I didn't know how to end it. hope you liked it 

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