jarvy 8

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A/N this is kind of basied off of there instagram stories the other day. 

Hrvys pov 

Jack and I were fooling arund back stage. Just ahving a good time. It was good to hang out with just the two of us for a while. We sre listing to music and dancing round like cuple of idoits. We filimed a few things and put them on our instagram stories. It was about noon time so we decided to walk to the nandos that was close by. We ran in to a couple fans and took pitchers with them. Overall today so far has been a grate day. 

" So what do you want to do when we get back?" Jack asked. 

" I honestly don't know just chill out I guess." 

" I'm glad that we are able to hang out just the to of us for once. It doesn't happen vary often."

" I agree. I feel like we don't get enough time just the two of us." I say as his pone goes of.

" it was Blair he said to be carful around fans." 

" Ok. I wish he would just let us tell them." 

" Same. I know 90% of them would be ok with it." 

We finish eating and head back. If you were confused me and jack have been together for 9 months now. Blair doesn't want us to tell the fans, We both want to. I think it would make things a lot easier. We already don't get a lot of time together. I want the tow of us to be able to go out and act like a couple but sadly we cant. 

Once we got back we sat on a random couch back stage. He was laying down with his head in my lab as I played with his hair. Knowing jack he probably will fall asleep. There was not anyone around so that was good. 

" I'm bored." Jack says all of a sudden. 

" Same. We could put some music on and dance around." I say. He gets up and put the music on. The first song to come on was perfect by ed sheeran.  We stared slow dancing to it. It was nice to do something like this. 

Once the song was done we stood there just looking at each other. I leaned in kissed him, I was glad nobody was around or the might have told Blair and we could have gotten in trouble. 

XXXX time skip XXXXX

It was after the show and we were chilling back stage packing everything getting ready to leave and head back to the hotel. 

" Everyone head out, But jack and Hrvy you guys stay back." Blair says.

Shit. What did we do. Did he find out about earlier. It might not even be bad he could be telling us we could tell the fans but I doubt it. 

" Can you boys explain this?" HE asked holding up his phone. It was pitcher of us kissing from earlier. Was positive there was no one around. 

" I told you guys that you need to watch out. Even here. Did you think about ho this could effect your jobs or the band jack ." 

" Look Blair it was my fault I kissed him. Don't blame him for this." 

" Ya whatever. We will talk more about this later go get in the car."

I could tell jack was upset. When we go tin the car all the other boys were asking what happened. Nether of us said anything. Once we got to the hotel we both changed cuddled for a little bit but mainly just went to sleep. To day was supposed to me a good day but I guess not. I just wish he would let us tell the fans. I wonder why he wont let us. He let randy. I honestly don't get it. 

A/N Hope you enjoyed If you guys would like a part two let me know.  Also tow chapters in one day look at me go. 

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