21 pt2 Jacklyn

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A/n thank you @kelseybabe2001x for requesting a part 2 to the last chapter. I comment or message me if any of you lovely readers have a request. 

Brooks pov 

It has been a good three weeks sense we have been living in the new house. We all absolute  love It. I think my favorite  part is having different rooms. I am in my play videos games at the moment waiting for Mikey. We were talking last night about it getting football nets for the back yard.(A/n I think this would be cool)  I think Mikey, Alex and I are going to go get them. The garden is my second favorite thing about the new house. I like how the its big enough to play football in. When we get back I think all of us are going to play a game. 

" hay brook you ready to go." Mikey says walking in to my room. 

" Ya." I say. I get up and fallow him down stairs and we get in the car and leave. 


We just got back and have started putting the nets together. I see jack walk out of the cinema room. He walks over t us and asks. 

"What are you guys doing?" 

" We went out and got football nets." 

" Oh cool I didn't think you guys were serious. Can I help." 

" Yes of course  you can." I tell him. He sits down on the grass next to me and starts helping us put it together. Not going to lie its going to be hard. I'm glad that he is helping but he is distracting me.  How you may ask. Well because he is just so cute I want to look at him all the time. I  sound so stupid but oh well. 

With 4 of us putting the nets up it took about a hour and 45 minuets. Once we were done we played for about a hour. Know Rye and Jack are making dinner. We are having spaghetti. I like it when jack cooks because he is good at it. He and Rye in my opine can cook the best. Robbie is good to. I suck at cooking,  I am most likely the worst cook out of all of us. I try but I cant it all ways ends up bad. Like really bad. The only good thing I can make is toast.  

It was pretty late once we had finished eating so well went to bed. It had been a really long day. But it was a good day. As we all go up stairs and say good night to each other, and go in to our rooms. I change get in to my bed and fall asleep almost immediately.  

XXXXXXXXX A few hours later XXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxx

I wake up and see its still dark out. I cheek the time on my phone. It was about 1:30. I get out of my nice warm bed and head to the bathroom. I hear a Nosie coming form jacks room. I don't think anything over it and continue my journey to the bathroom. I do my business and head back to my room. But when I come out of the bathroom The noise form jacks room is louder. I go closer to his room to figure out what is. It sounds like he is crying. I quickly open the door and go into his room. I see him curled up in the vary far coner of his bed.  I sit on his bed and pull him in my lap. I rub his back trying to sooth him. After about 10 minuets he had calmed down, but I still heled him. 

" I'm sorry for waking you up." He says quietly. 

" I was already awake, I was going to the bathroom. can you tell me what's got you all worked up." 

" I had a nightmare." 

" Why didn't you come to me or one of the other boys." 

" Because its been happing since we moved in here." He whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him.  

' Jack! why didn't you tell me I could have helped you. I care about you a lot I would have helped you." 

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Brook pleas don't be mad. " 

" I'm not mad I just wish you would have told me. I care and love you a lot jack. I don't want to see you hurt." 

" love you to brook. " 

" No I don't think you get it. I love you love you." I say. He was silent for a few seconds witch made me  think I screwed  up.  but then he started smiling and said. 

" I love love you to brook." Then he did the unthinkable he kissed me. I did the thing any  smart person would do and kissed back. When we pulled away we had the biggest grins ever. I leaned down and kissed him ounce more before we curled up in his bed nd went to sleep. 

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