Randy 30

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A/n so I had to take a break because I didn't have time  to write or basically do anything. But  I am back and still taking request so feel free to comment any ideas that you may have. Also, I don't know how I feel about this one. sorry its short and thank you so much for 12k reads. 

Andys pov 

It was a normal day, I got up and got ready, eat breakfast and then headed to class.  I'm currently in my second year of college. IT has been going pretty well, It would be better though if my boyfriend/ favorite person in the entire world was here with me. Well why isnt he? you may ask well, insted of going to collage he went in to the military. Hw was came for a  bit after his training. but about 10 months ago he an a bunch of others were sent of to do something in spin . HE wasn't aloud o ell be anything about it. We write, call and text back and forth when we can. Its been hard and I will be glad when he comes home. 

when I got to class I go to my seat and take out my stuff. This was my least favorite class, math's. I'm not the best and my grades are no the best, but at least I am passing witch better than nothing. Half way through the lesson someone comes and a request to the professor. I assuming it was a nother teacher, but I'm not sure I have never seen her before. It wasn't long after when he came back in. 

" Class I have a announcement to make." He says. I wonder what it could be about. We don't have announcements vary often. 

" we have a vary special guest here at our school. HE is a military officer so pleas be respectful. His name is Rye Beaumont." 

As soon as I heard his name I snap my head up. I start crying uncontrollably when I look at him. He runs up to me hugs me. I'm so in shock it takes me a second to hug him back.Everyone in the room was probly staring but I don't care, he is here, he is home and that's the onlything that matters. 

" I love you." I say through tears. 

" I love you to. I'm home for a while."

Once we left school grounds, we went  home to our house. We spent the res of the day in comfy close cuddling and watching movies. It felt weird having him home, but I wouldn't change today or this day for the world. Rye, my best friend and boyfriend was home and that's all that matters. 

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