jarvy 8 pt

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A/N This is the second part to chapter 8 so read that part first. also I have a multi fan account on Instagram if you want to fallow it. its called allofthethings_

Jacks pov 

When I woke up the next day I was hoping that some f the events that took place yesterday was a dream but sadly they weren't. I was reminded also most as soon as I opened my eyes by rye. 

" Hay jack, did Blair get mad at you yesterday because of the pitcher of you and Hrvy that's going around." 

" Yes now can we just drop it." I say. He dose drop it and I get up and get ready for the day. Yesterday was the last show of tour so we are going home today. Once we are all ready and packed we went to get breakfast. To my surprise no one brought up the incident. I was glad for that. 

XXXXX time skip XXXXX

A soon as we got home I went I to Brooklyn and I's room. Not long after Hrvy came in.

" Hay Blair wants to talk to us." 

" That cant be god after he flipped out last night. What if he kicks me out of the band or worse decides to drop you." 

" I'm sure it will be fine and if he dose oh well at least I can be with you." 

I smile at him and sigh as I get up and fallow him out of the room. W ego to the lounge were he is. To say I was nervous was a understament. What I don't understand is why he lets randy be open about the relation ship but not me Hrvy. The other 4 must be in the ravry room because Blair was the only one that was in there. 

" Boys, I would like to start of by saying sorry for how I acted last night. One of the reasons I was mad is because I told you to be careful and you disobeyed that order." 

" Why cant we tell the fans. You let randy do it months ago." Hrvy cuts in. 

" Why I let them do it it is because I had no chose. The didn't tell they were going to tell all of the fans." 

" Oh. Well can we please tell them. I mean they are bound to find out anyway." 

" I'm not happy about this  but I will let you." 

" Are you for real?" I ask 

" Yes. Like I said I'm not happy about it but I guess its what ever." He says. 

After he leaves we go back in the my room. Hrvy goes and tells the boys we are aloud to tell the fans. I don't know how we are going to tell them. I think that we should do a live stream, because fans will screen record and post about it like they do almost everything. When Hrvy comes back in to the room I tell him. 

" We should to it right now. Like on a live stream."

" Ok lets to it off the band account."

We start the live stream. After a few people joined we answer questions just like we normally would. As I was ready the chat I noticed a lot of people asking and talking about the pitcher. There were also a lot of comments about jarvy and how they ship us. After about 20 minutes in to the live Hrvy says. 

" We have a announcement to make. I know a lot of you like to screen record moments and this definitely one to do so with." 

" Yes its a rally big announcement. Also Hrvy you can tell them." I say 

" Ok. So Meany of you most likely have seen the pitcher f the two of us kissing. We don't know who posted or took it. Its not fake we are dating and have been for 8 months, but we just got the chance to tell you guys." 

" Yes. I am vary happy we finely get to tell you guys. It has been long over due. " 

" Some says that if its real kiss know on live." Hrvy reads out of the chat. Next thing I know he is kissing me. I thought to day was going to be bad but it wasn't. 

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