Author's note

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Republished on 20 Dec'18

Phewww.... Akhirnya kelar jugaaa... Gak rela banget ngelarin bang Aric sama neng Ayu, tapi namanya juga cerita pasti harus ada endingnya.

Maafin kalo jauhhh dari kata sempurna ya, this really is my first novel. And to be able to finish a total of 40 chapters still amaze me 'till now.

In the next couple of weeks, I will start editing all the chapters tanpa sekalipun memberi tambahan dalam bentuk apapun (kecuali mungkin tambahan foto-foto bang Aric – maklum ngefans). Jadi tolong jangan di take out dari library or reading list dulu ya, karena gue harap suatu saat kalian bakalan kangen sama Aric dan ngebaca ulang the whole story from the beginning just like me, and because babang Aric deserves to be in your reading list.

More chapters will be private by end of July, jadi kalo masih mau baca silahkan follow dulu ya.

I also promise to make time in between my literally crazy work life, my travellings, my responsibility as a mom of 2 gorgeous boys, to also write about Aric's friends (and maybe his relatives as well). Let's see, with God's will.

Makasih udah jadi pembaca yang menakjubkan dan karena udah mau nyumbang bintang kecil di chapter-chapterku :)

Luv you @chocolava83 @blue_f4iry @YunitaRachmasari @rochiefa @ImmanuelaAde @skippy19 @NiaNia155 @cherrylie28 dan buat semua readers lain yang belum kesebut di sini, You know who you are

#bisous #millegrazie #thankyou

[Forget Me Not by Ann Malivska, 27 April-15 Jul'18. COMPLETED]

FORGET ME NOTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang