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Lance wakes up early in the morning and checks his phone. Multiple messages from the group chat.


P: laaaance

H: maybe he fell asleep?

K: oh well

P: i wanted to bug him

H: you can do that tomorrow

K: its like,,, 2am
pidge doesn't sleep

H: well then you need to sleep.
and pidge i don't care if you don't sleep.
you need it

K: im not gonna sleep
or go to school
bc fuck iverson

P: oh my god
you can't keep skipping class just because iverson fucked you over

K: im gonna stab his eye

H: pidge
are you sure,,
are you sure he's safe?

P: yeah man
why would i hang out with him if he wasn't?

H: oh

K: bye im gonna go uh
mothman awaits

P: he's gonna go clean his knives and worship his mothman shrine

K: ...
i don't have a shrine
it's just a couple pictures from the net

H: okay, well
im gonna get ready for school
good riddance

P: smell ya later nerd


Lance snorts and turns his phone back off, setting it to the side. He rubs at his eyes and gets out of the bed. He ventures to the bathroom connected to his room and strips down.

His face drops when he sees himself in the mirror. Suddenly aware that he looks so feminine. He chews on his bottom lip and pulls his underwear and bra back on.

No shower until later.

He ties his hair up into a bun and exits the bathroom. Yawning as he searches through his closet to find anything baggy.

He grabs an old t-shirt that he stole from his older brother. He slips it on as well as a pair of jeans. He puts a beanie over the bun and sits down to slip on his socks and shoes.

Lance heads over to his snakes habitat and checks the temp and humidity. Humming as he checks the water bowl. It'd be good until he got back from school.

"I'll see you later, Blue. You better be in a good mood." Lance jokes, laughing softly. He grabs his backpack and slips his laptop into it.

He slings one of straps over his shoulder and shoves his phone into his back pocket. He bounds down the stairs and smiles at his mom.

"Have a good day at school Lana."  she smiles.

Lance flinches and smiles back.

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