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Lance didn't sleep very well. He tossed and turned all night. Waking up in the morning he felt like shit. He rubs at his eyes and gets out of bed.

He lazily throws his clothes on. It was his second day taking a break from his binder and he could feel the tendrils of dysphoria wrapping his mind. He throws his jacket on over his shirt and zips it all the way up.
Sure it was hot as hell, but he didn't want to be seen.

He doesn't bother checking his phone, just simply stuffs it in his pocket before grabbing his backpack and leaving his room.

"Morning." Calliope smiles.

Lance grunts in acknowledgement. He takes a seat on the couch, yawning.

"Didn't sleep well?"

"Nope." Lance sighs.

"Marco already went to work so I'll be taking you to the Garrison today."

Lance hums and rubs at his face. Blowing air out in a long puff.

"So you ready?"

"Mhm." Lance mutters, standing up. His voice sounded too high.

When they arrive at the garrison, Lance gets out of the car and waits by the entrance for Pidge and Keith. Tapping his foot against the concrete.

"Hey." Pidge smiles.

Lance waves halfheartedly.

"You expecting someone else?" Pidge jokes.

"No, sorry. Not wearing my binder is taking its toll. Where's Keith?"

"Talking to Shiro in the car."

"Did- did he take his meds?"

"I don't think so."

The door of Shiro's car slams. Keith storming over.

"Can he stop treating me like a fucking child for 2 seconds?" Keith growls.

Lance wished he had a voice like Keith's. Sure it cracked a lot but at least it was masculine.

"Maybe if you didn't act like one." Pidge snorts

"I don't act like a child." Keith huffs.

Lance just stands there. So many thoughts going through his head. Everyone could see. See past that baggy jacket. See past his baggy jeans.

"Lance?" Keith snaps his fingers.

"Huh?" Lance blinks.

"You zoned out there."

"Uh yeah- yeah sorry." Lance gives a small smile.

"You alright?"

"Yeah yeah. Fine." Lance smiles.

Keith smiles back.

"C'mon lovebirds its time for class." Pidge snickers.

Keith chokes and hits Pidge in the back of the head.

"Ouch!" Pidge whines, slapping Keith.

Keith hits them back and it keeps going until Pidge pushes Keith.

"Get to class Kogane." Iverson grumbles.

Keith rolls his eyes.

"Why don't we go for coffee later?" Keith turns to Lance, a small smile on his lips.

"Sure." Lance gives a small smile. He didn't know if he'd even be able to handle the rest of the school day.

During his 3rd class he feels dysphoria take hold.

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