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Pining officially sucked ass. Who the hell even came up with the idea to just wallow in your own crush for some guy that's way out of your league? Pfft, sure as hell was a dumb one. But that's exactly what Lance was doing.

If he could just grow a pair, he'd definitely ask Keith out. But he couldn't really tell if Keith liked him back. Maybe Keith was just saying those things platonically?

No- people who like someone don't have that incredibly soft look on their face.

Lance groans in frustration and throws himself on his bed. Air getting pushed out by the force. He grabs his phone and checks his messages.

Nothing new from Keith. Nothing new from Hunk. Nothing new from Pidge. Man was everyone dead today?

He throws his phone to the side and turns over, looking to Blue's tank.

"Did I do something wrong Blue?" Lance huffs.

Blue stares at him, unblinking.

"No, you're right." Lance sighs, sitting up.

"You wanna slither around?" he gets out of bed, trudging over to Blue. He carefully takes him out and lets him slither down his body.

An hour passes and still no new texts. He screams into his pillow and kicks his feet. Why did he have to be so impatient? Text first you idiot.

He grabs his phone and puts Blue up.

"I'll take you back out after I eat." Lance smiles, heading out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.


"Yeah, mamà?"

"You sleep good last night?"

"Yeah, don't worry I'm not gonna pass out anytime soon." Lance laughs.

"You better not, you keep scaring us with that crap." his mom sighs, standing up to pull him into a hug.

"Lo siento mamà." Lance mumbles, hugging back.


After he makes himself lunch, he heads back upstairs. Nearly running into Veronica, who is paying way too much attention to her phone.

"Sorry Lana."

"Its fine. Why are you so distracted?"

"Nyma wants me to go to a party. I told her no because of how badly she treats you and now we're arguing." Veronica sighs.

"You can go if you want to, Ronny. Get you a chance with the cool kids." Lance smiles.

"I can't do that to you." Veronica shakes her head.

"Ronny, it's fine. Go have fun hermana. Get you a boyfriend or girlfriend whatever you're into." Lance smiles, heading to his room.

He hears his phone chime, nearly falling over a shoe. He grabs his phone and unlocks it. A text from Pidge in the group chat.


P: im running on 2 hours of sleep  ive seen god himself in one of my sleep deprived day-mares

L: jfc pidge

P: caffeine is the only thing keeping me alive rn

K: pidge
i don't wanna be a party pooper
but you sir
need to fucking sleep

P: never
i'd rather shoot myself

L: no
you need sleep smh

H: pidge
go to bed.

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