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Lance felt like shit when he woke up. Freezing, stomach turning, head throbbing. He rushes out of bed and to the bathroom, sliding down onto his knees. He lets the bile rush from his throat and into the toilet, coughing and retching.

"Lance? Sweetie, you okay?" Calliope asks from the hallway.

Lance responds with emptying his stomach. Heaving and panting. Skin pale and sweaty.

"Cal' can you get pregnant from sucking dick?" Lance asks, face miserable.

Calliope laughs, slapping her hand over her mouth. Laughing harder.

"Pfft- no sweetie. You can't get pregnant from that."

Lance sighs in relief before bile rushes up his throat again. Spilling into the toilet. He groans and pants.

"I was s'posed to go get coffee with Keith." Lance whines, slapping his hand down on the flush handle. He cups his face and stands up on shaky legs.

He quickly washes his hands and wait for Calliope to move so he can exit the bathroom.

"Well, you're sick and can't. So go ahead and-" and knock interrupts her. She clicks her tongue and heads to the front door, opening it.

"Is Lance here?"

"Course he is, he's sick though."

"That's fine, I can take care of him if you'd like?"

"Well, I don't wanna be responsible for you getting sick too sweetheart." Calliope mutters, she hums and thinks.

"I'll be fine, I can take care of myself. Really, just let me do this for him."

"Oh alright, just no swappin' spit, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." Keith smiles.

"Oh and Keith?" Calliope leans in.


"Keep your dick in your pants." she whispers, low and threatening.

Keith squeaks, cheeks flushing.

"Y-Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, I'm gonna go get some medicine and some sprite, y'all just sit tight."

"Hehe you have a country accent." Lance snickers.

"Hush, go lay down." Calliope tuts, grabbing her keys.

Keith presses a kiss to Lance's head and takes him to his room.

"Stronk boye." Lance smiles.

Lance was a weird type of sick person. He would feel horrible and his fevers would have him borderline delirious. He'd say anything that came to mind.

Keith snorts and crawls into bed with Lance. Wrapping the blanket around the both of them.

"You've- mm you've got a nice chest. It's nice and hard and I can feel your heartbeat. Its a nice- nice one." Lance mumbles, yawning.

"Mkay babe." Keith smiles, playing with Lance's sweaty hair.

"You think Hunk is actually coming to visit?"

"He said he would in the fall, that's a bit away."

"Keith- Keith, I thought- I thought I was pregnant." Lance snorts.


"I thought I got pregnant from- pfft from sucking your dick." Lance laughs.

"You're so stupid." Keith laughs.

"Buenas noches mi amor. Mn te amo." Lance mumbles, curled right up to Keith's chest. He basically passes out.

Keith squints, what in the hell did that mean? Maybe Calliope or Marco could help. Well, Marco wasn't there. Nor was Calliope, but she'd be back.

So until then Keith was stuck, wracking his brain. Until it hit him, just ask Pidge or Hunk. So he pulls his phone out and pulls up Pidge's contact.


K: translate something for me

P: why

K: lance said something in Spanish before he passed out on me

P: uh,, okay
send it?

K: buenas noches mi amor te amo?

P: ...
oh my god

K: what?
is it something bad?
oh my god he's dying isn't he?

P: goodnight my love. i love you.

K: oh my god.
ew nvm he's fuckin drooling on my chest

Keith's cheeks were flushed, Lance really did love him. Keith smiles, he thinks he loves him too. A lot.

Lance made Keith's heart race, at first he declared it hate. Only because he didn't want to admit the truth. Now that he had Lance, he could just scream it from the rooftops. He could imagine it


Lance was beautiful to Keith. Lance was the sun setting over the water. Lance was a hazy sunrise. Lance was the rain.

All these things being something Keith finds beautiful. Lance surpassed all of them. His eyes bright like stars, smile like the sun, skin smackled with freckles, soft hair, amazing lips.

Keith knew Lance would look even better with Testosterone. He knew Lance would feel better as well. He knew that Lance would start to feel more comfortable with himself and that made him happy.

All he wanted for Lance was for him to be happy. Happy with himself for starters. He wanted to see Lance smile wide with scars where his breasts once were, shirtless on the beach. Shooting finger guns and showing off his 'muscles'

He wanted to see Lance happy in his own skin. All he needed to do was stick around unlike his parents and that would all come true. He wanted to see Lance grow as a person and turn into the person he always has been.

Be the person trapped underneath all the insecurities and 'flaws'. To be the person trapped underneath all that female anatomy. Lance was a male, through and through.

Anyone who didn't think that, would definitely answer to Keith. Or Lance because he can defend himself. Lance was the love of Keith's life.

He didn't know how to handle it all. He couldn't handle losing Lance if it came to it. His heart begins to ache just thinking about it. Leaving. He never liked that word.

What if they didn't come back? What if they decided to abandon him in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart. He was beyond terrified thinking about someone else leaving him.

Keith had a lot of trust issues due to his family. Sure, his father died, but his mom just up and left. Her brother Kolivan being the only ties possible.

Keith would find her one day. He was determined to. Determined to know his mother and find out exactly why she left him and his father to fend for themselves in the desert.

But for now, he'd focus on the present. Focus on the soft snoring coming from his boyfriend. Focus on the drool wetting his shirt. Focus on the arms wrapped around his waist. Focus on the head tucked right under his chin.

He'd focus on what mattered most. Lance. The only person besides Pidge and Shiro who have stuck by him and showed that he cared.

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