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Shortly after the song they talk a bit more before Lance starts to nod off.

"Why don't you just sleep, babe."

"Mmgh I'm up."

"No you aren't." Keith laughs, smiling at Lance.

"Quit being so- so bright." Lance grumbles, shoving his face into his sweater.

"Did you take your binder off?"

"Its been off."


"Oh god- Abuela is going to be at my Mamás."

"Is that- is that bad?"

"That's fucking horrible- Keith- Keith she doesn't fucking know." Lance had shot up, hands making their way into his hair. Tugging harshly at the brunette locks.

"Oh god- this is- Keith- Keith what do I do? My voice- my-" Lance felt like there was a weight on his chest. An anvil crushing his lungs.

He felt like there were hands wrapping around his throat. He sobs and hiccups.

"Lance- Lance look at me." Keith sits up, fingers itching to hold him.

Lance's eyes snap to Keith's face, hands still tugging at his hair.

"It's going to be okay- who cares what your abuela has to say. You're you, you're not some- some stranger. If she can't accept you for who you are and for who you have always been then she- she just doesn't deserve you. She doesn't deserve to be called family and be told that she's loved by you."

"I'm not only worried about that! You! I'm worried about you.. What if- what if mamá doesn't accept- or papi? Is he- is he even still with mamá?"

"Lance, its going to be okay. Just- I'll be there in 15."

"What? Keith- no- no it's- fine- it's 3am- you cant- no-"

"Shush. I'm coming over. You need me- and- I'm nervous too. Believe me." Keith smiles, getting out of bed.

"Keith- no- no you- that's dangerous, you can't walk around at 3am!" Lance squeaks, mind taken off of the fact of his family.

"I can handle my own. Will it make you feel safer if I have a knife with me?"

"Yes? No? I don't- Keith.."

"Nope. You can't change my mind. Now you be safe and don't do anything stupid." Keith says, slipping into pants and a shirt.

"Keith. Stay, please."

Keith huffs, getting back in frame.

"You need me.."

"I can live with seeing you through a screen."

"I wanna hold you."

"Keith- respect my wishes, please."

Keith sighs, stripping from the jeans and shirt he had put on, slipping back into bed.

"Thank you.."


It takes a while for Lance to fall asleep. Keith rambling on about Shiro and Adam to help him sleep.

When he sees Lance asleep with a smile on his face, he then lays down and falls asleep.

The morning was hell.

"Keeeith! Get up I wanna hang out with you before you leave!" Pidge whines, shaking Keith.

"Fuck off." Keith groans.

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