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Keith tried over the whole week to apologize to Shiro. To tell him he was sorry and didn't mean it, yet he couldn't ever find Shiro. He had really fucked up. So, he calls over Lance to figure out what he should do.

"Wait so you're telling me that you said to Shiro that you aren't blood related and your dad only brought him in because of his family?"

"Yes! I know I fucked up Lance! God I pushed one of the only people away that has ever been there for me! He- he hasn't been home in days!" Keith was crying. He shoves the heels of his hands against his eyes in attempt to stop the tears. He felt weak.

"You're not weak, Keith." Lance whispers, pulling Keith into his hold. Taking ahold of Keith's hands, pulling them away from his face.

"You're not weak, you've got feelings. Its okay to cry over these things, Keith." Lance smiles,  running his fingers through Keith's hair.

Keith sobs and shoves his face against Lance's chest.

"Woah-kay!" Lance shrieks, pulling Keith's face away.

"S-sorry! I forgot-- god I'm fucking everything up!" Keith laughs through his tears, pushing his face against the crook of Lance's neck. Sobbing and shaking.

"Its okay." Lance whispers, rubbing Keith's back.

"What do I do?!" Keith hiccups.

"Well, for starters you could call him. Then you could apologize and meet his new boyfriend. He wanted you to be a part of his life and I'm sure that made him feel like you didn't want to be in it. So you tell him you're sorry and that what you said wasn't true, tell him that you love him and that he is your brother. It'll take a while for you two to have what you had, but it will be okay."

Keith takes a minute to calm down then goes to wash his face. Splashing cold water against his skin. He takes a look at his dark circles and chapped lips.

"Lance?" Keith ask, walking back to his room.


"Do- do you still do that facial care shit?"

"Yeah, I started back up again when the acne started. Why?"

"Could- could we do some? Not that- not that I care if my skin is soft or whatever." Keith clears his throat.

"Pfft, sure Keith. Do you wanna stay at my house too? We could watch movies and whatever."

"If its not too much."

"Its fine, you need a break from being here. C'mon we'll have a nice little boyfriends day."

"Pfft, okay." Keith snorts, grabbing his backpack. Dumping his papers and books out. Shoving clothes in it.

"Can I steal a hoodie?" Lance mumbles.

"What's that?"

"C-can I steal a hoodie?" Lance mutters.

Keith snorts and stands up, plucking a black hoodie with roses on the sleeves from his closet.

"Should smell like me if you're worried about that." Keith chuckles, tossing the hoodie to Lance who catches it with his face.

"Shut up." Lance groans from behind the hoodie.

"Nah." Keith snorts, shucking his backpack strap over his shoulder.

Lance shoves the hoodie on over his t-shirt and takes Keith's hand. The two of them walking to Lance's place. They stop at a gas station to get snacks which results in Lance saying that he's the only snack Keith needs.

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