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When the get to the McDonald's Lance tells Marco what he wants then goes to find a seat. He spots an open booth in the corner and decides to go sit there. Tapping away at his phone.

"Mind if I sit here with you?" a slightly familiar voice asks.

Lance looks up, Pidge standing there. A smug look on their face.

"Holy shit!" Lance squeaks, pulling them into a hug.

"Can't breathe." they laugh.

"Sorry!" Lance laughs, letting them go.

"Keith is too busy brooding at home to join my brother and I. Every Friday we come here and talk about cryptids."

"Ah, that's fun."

"You disappointed your boyfriend isn't here~" Pidge teases.

"He's not- its not like that!" Lance whines, pushing Pidge.

"Well I better go, I can feel Matt staring at the back of my head. I'll see you Monday at the Garrison."

"Alright, tell Keith hello for me."

"Oh he's gonna be pissed I met you before him." Pidge cackles, heading towards the door. Waving as they leave with their brother.

"Who was that?" Marco asks, setting down the food

"Was that the guy you like?" Calliope smiles.

"No, that's our friend. The one that brought Keith into the group chat. Their name is Pidge."

"Pidge?" Marco raises an eyebrow

"They're nonbinary and that's the name they go by." Lance shrugs, taking his food.

They eat and have an idle conversation. Marco steals Calliope's fries and all hell breaks lose.

"Marco, if you wanted fries you should've gotten some- you always do this and it pisses me off you're lucky I don't throw you in front of traffic."

Lance snorts and soda sprays from his nose. Causing the table to erupt in laughter.

"Pfft! Did- did you just fucking shoot soda from- from your nose?!" Calliope laughs, banging her hand on the table, kicking the booth.

They leave the McDonald's around 7. Heading back home. The car ride is silent.

"So, Lance. You gonna tell us what happened at the airport?" Marco asks, looking in the rearview mirror at Lance.

"Do I have to?"


"Just- you pulling on my wrist made me freak out."

"Why? Did papi hurt you?"

"What? No! Papi didn't hurt me."

"Then who did?!" Marco huffs.

"Does it matter? I'm away from him and that's all that matters."

"Lance, just tell us, please." Calliope turns to look at Lance. A sympathetic look on her face.

"A guy tried to force himself on me for a month. My friend called me Lance and he figured out I'm trans. He knows Keith and I mentioned Keith so he made me stop talking to him or he'd out me. Then just yesterday or something he dragged me to the bathroom and tried to- he tried to rape me." Lance shudders.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?!" Marco shouts.

Lance shrinks, playing with the hems of his jeans.

"Don't yell at him Marco. Those things are hard to tell someone. I'm sorry that happened to you Lance, some people are just really fucked in the head." Calliope sighs, reaching back to ruffle Lance's hair.

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