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There was a new student coming in today. Lance was honestly dreading it, he didn't need more people to harass him. Sighing as he got out of bed to shower and get dressed.

He dries off as much as possible before slipping his binder on, blue shirt afterwards. He shimmies into his jeans and slips on his jacket. Socks and shoes next.

He grabs his backpack, laptop, and phone and heads downstairs.

"You gonna eat something or did I make breakfast for nothing mija?"

"Ah, I can't mamà. I'll help with dinner later if you'd like."

"No its fine, I'll get it." she smiles.

He grabs a strawberry to please his mom and quickly eats it, throwing the top into the trash before exiting the house. Allura didn't ride the bus, she thought it was filthy and loud. So Lance was stuck alone, like usual.

His first period class a tall male with long silver hair makes his way into the class. The guy meets Lance's eye and grins. It sent chills down Lance's spine.

Lance looks down at his notebook for a minute before someone taps on his shoulder.

"The seat next to you taken, love?"

"Ah, no." Lance smiles.

"What's your name?"

Lance was split in between telling him Lana or Lance.

"Cat got your tongue?" the male leans over, looking at the name on Lance's notebook.

"Lana McClain." he mutters.

"Y-yep." it hurt Lance to say that.

"Well I'm Lotor Daibazaal."

Lance's stomach drops, that was Lotor. Lotor from Keith's school.

"Do- uh do you know a Keith?"

"No." Lotor scoffs.

"Ah sorry." Lance grabs for his phone and shoots a text to Keith.


L: keith
that lotor kid is here
what the fuck do i do?

K: stay away from him
he's bad news lance
i don't want you hurt.

L: he's right fucking next to me
shit gotta go

Lance puts his phone back up and faces the front of the room. Just ignore the walking L'Oreal commercial, yeah. Easy. He sighs and taps his foot on the tile.

"You don't happen to have another pencil do you?"

"Nope." Lance mutters.

"Ah okay."

By the time lunch rolled around Lance was happy. He'd get to hang out with Allura and take his mind off the whole Lotor situation.

His eyes search the cafeteria for her. Finally landing on her white hair and light pink dress. He rushes over. But soon slows when Lotor swoops into his seat.

Lance chews on his bottom lip. Go in or just sit somewhere else? He sighs and decides to sit there. Next to Allura.

"Oh, Lance have you met Lotor?"

Lance's face pales. She did not just.

"Thought your name was Lana, little bird."

"I-I it is!" Lance squeaks.

Allura sits there dumbfound. She said something wrong again.

Lance gets up from the table and chews on his bottom lip. Tasting blood this time.

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