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Lance wakes up to his alarm and groans. He turns it off and clambers out of bed. He didn't want to go to school. Maybe he could lie?

No. His mom would see right through him. He whimpers and cradles his stomach.

"Shit." he hisses and looks at his sheets. Blood. Tears begin to weld up in his eyes.

"Lana, hurry up we'll be late!" Luis yells.

"Its not even nearly time to leave!" he yells back.

"We have 5 minutes to get to the bus you idiot."

Lance's eyes widen. His alarm just went off though. He grabs his phone and gawks in disbelief.

10 minutes had passed since he woke up and all he had managed to do was stand around. He hurries to grab clothes and rushes into the bathroom.

When he's finished dressing, using the bathroom, he grabs his backpack and shoves his feet into his shoes.

He grabs his phone and runs downstairs. Gasping when he gets to the last one. Pain shooting through his abdomen.

"Fuck!" he shouts, arms flying to cradle his stomach.

"Mija! Language!"

"Lo siento mamà, cramps." he mutters.

"Get to the bus, Veronica and Luis are already down there. Marco is coming to visit today so look presentable."

"Okay mamà." Lance mumbles, running out of the house and down the bus stop. He nearly misses the bus, but manages to get on.

Veronica drags him into her seat and slaps the back of his head.

"Stop being late!"

"It was the first time, jeez." he wheezes. All that running made it hard to breathe. He tried that two sports bra thing Pidge suggested.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Running got me out of breath is all." he smiles.

School was hell once again. Dress more like a girl. No one will want you if you look like a guy.

Gym was the worst. He had to wear the stupid grey shorts and impossibly too tight t-shirt. The guys outfit was baggy, why couldn't his be baggy?

The shorts would just distract the guys so why did the school make the girls wear it?

They had to run laps. Oh goodie. By his second lap he was sweating and heaving. This never happened when he wore a regular bra.

He was usually the first one done out of the girls. His knees buckle and he collapses in a pile on the floor. Breaths coming out in wheezes.

"McClain, you alright?" his teacher asks, racing over to help him up.

"Yeah. Just, having trouble breathing today. Sorry." Lance smiles, standing on shaky knees.

"You wanna sit out?"

"No, no its fine."

"Listen sweetie, if you're havin' trouble breathing you should sit out. Especially if 2 laps has you like that."

Lance reluctantly nods and heads to the bleachers. He grabs at his stomach and whines waiting for his teacher to say they can dress out. Waiting for the bell to ring to release them from school.

The bus was okay. Nothing different from the same old screaming and making. He simply looks out the window like he always does.

Green trees and grass blurring together, eyes trying to keep up with everything. He looks up to the clouds, blue sky and white looking beautiful. Sun burning his eyes.

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