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Lance wakes up in the afternoon, fist aching. He groans and cradles the bruised and swollen hand. He stumbles out of bed and out of his room.

"Marco?" Lance whimpers.

"Living room."

Lance pads to the living room, fist clutched to his chest. His eyes puffy from crying, lips bitten and chapped.

"Hey." Calliope gives a small smile.

"Sorry- uh sorry about last night." Lance mutters.

"It's fine." Marco smiles.

"Should we wrap your hand?" Calliope asks.

"Uh yeah probably. Nyma was talking to me last night- and I just- I broke? Its like- I'll always know what I was before this, I'll always know what's under this-" Lance pauses, tugging at his binder.

"I'll always be Lana inside. I just- I want to be- I want to be okay. What- god what if Keith leaves me? I seriously dont know what I'd do without him. Marco- I-I love him so much." Lance was crying again, shoving the heels of his palms against his eyes to try and stop the tears.

Marco is quick to get on his feet and pull Lance into a hug, being careful of Lance's hurt hand.

"Lance, he's not gonna leave you hermano. I promise you, he loves you. I can tell with how he looks at you, especially when he thinks no one is paying attention. I don't think he would leave you, now lets get that hand wrapped and ice it. Yeah?"

Lance nods, wiping at his tears.

"Cal' can you go get the first aid kit?" Marco mutters, pulling Lanfe to the couch.


Calliope comes back and carefully wraps Lance's hand. Marco places an ice pack on it and they end up watching a movie.

Near dinner which was around 7 because Marco was being lazy, a knock sounds at the door. Lance excuses himself to go answer it.

As soon as he does, Keith is there. Stumbling a bit, soaked with rain. He reeked of alcohol and weed. He had a bruise blossoming on his right eye as well as a deep cut cut up his cheek.


"Mm shh shh- Adam 'n Shiro will hear you." Keith mumbles falling against Lance.

"Marco!" Lance shouts, holding Keith up. He shudders when Keith kisses at his neck sloppily.

He huffs and pushes Keith's face away. Marco had made his way to the front door.

"What-" Marco is immediately hit with the smell of alcohol and weed, nose turning up at it.

"Marco what do we do?" Lance whimpers, shifting on his feet.

"He needs water." Marco mutters.

Lance snorts when he hears loud snoring, he shuffles to the couch with Keith drapped over his shoulder. Carefully sitting down with Keith.

"Mm Lance?" Keith drawls, nuzzling his nose against Lance's neck.

"Keith- pfft- stop!" Lance laughs.

Marco and Calliope come back, Calliope holding a glass of water, Marco calling someone.

"Marco who are you calling?"

"Shiro?" Marco raises an eyebrow.

"What?! No! Shiro will kill him."

"Yeah and if we don't call him he'll worry. So I have to." Marco sighs at the tone of the answering machine. He hangs up and calls again.

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