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H: YOU WHAT?!??!?!?

L: i think i like keith


L: well
he occupies my thoughts a lot
he's cute even with that mop of hair
he's got a really nice voice that makes my heart rate skyrocket
it feels like butterflies are swimming in my stomach
he can calm me down and make me feel better no matter what

H: aWE

L: hhhh
it sucks
do you
do you think he likes me?

H: idk
but i can ask pidge

L: no,,
then they'll know
and harass me

H: ugh
ill ask anyways
you better call when you get home
both pidge and keith stayed home

L: why?

H: pidge didn't wanna deal with anything (bad cramps)
and keith is still avoiding his teacher

L: oh
im home
im gonna take a nap
bye hunk

H: bye
make sure you eat when you wake up.

little focus switch to keith

Keith hated Lance, it was official. His stupid blue eyes, his stupid flawless skin. Keith was definitely allergic to Lance.

What he felt when he talked to Lance was what he feels when he has dairy. Stomach knotting up. Keith despised Lance and that was the end of it.

"Keith, when are you coming back to the Garrison?" Pidge muttered, sitting on a beanbag in their room.

"I'm not. Shiro wants me to, but its not happening."

"Y'know, what they did was justified. You came back for a day and punched Iverson in the eye multiple times."

"He deserved it!" Keith shrieks.

"He asked how your break was!"

"He was testing my patience, Pidge."

Pidge sighs and shakes their head.

"Whatever, Keith. So, how do you feel about Lance?"

"I hate him."

"What? Why?"

"He makes my stomach feel like when I have dairy."

"He makes you have to shit?" Pidge laughs.

"No, like the knotted up intestine feeling. Except it's more fluttery?"

"Pfft oh my god."

"What? Pidge, this is serious! I could be allergic to him!"

"Keith, you can't be allergic to a person."

"You totally can."

"No, Keith. Hold on, Hunk's texting." Pidge mutters, tapping away at their phone.

"Lance is stupid and I hate him."

"You sure it's hate?"

"What else could it be?" Keith mutters, head hanging off the edge of Pidge's bed. The blood rushing to his head.

"Man, I dunno, maybe it's unadulterated loathing."

"No, why would I loathe him?"

"Sarcasm, Keith. Maybe its a crush?"

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