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here's a zip to when Lance's grandma comes over

The house was hectic. Lance actually had to dress nice. His mom and Veronica had actually picked out the outfit.

So he wakes up to find a blue dress hanging on his door. His face drops and he immediately grabs for his phone.


L: my mamà and sister are fucking satan
im actually gonna shoot myself

K: woah
don't do that

L: better than wearing this fucking dress

P: bro
you fuckin kiddin me???

L: im tempted to just yell fuck it and wear flannel and jeans

H: don't make yourself uncomfy by putting the dress on

K: yeah man
wear that flannel proudly

L: its hot tho
and knowing abuela she'll wanna grill out

P: wear shorts and a nice t-shirt

H: just tell your mom you don't feel comfy with the dress and that its ugly bc it is ugly

L: thanks guys
i gotta go

K: good luck
sneak away and talk to me if you need to

L: will do


Lance threw the dress into his closet and went through his clothes. Pulling out a decent t-shirt he slips it on.

"Lana you up?!" his mother bangs on his door.

"Yea." he mutters, searching for jeans, not finding any that weren't ripped completely, he pads over to his dresser.

Shorts it is. He grabs a pair of black jean shorts and slips them on before searching for socks.

After he's ready he heads into the bathroom and frowns at the sight. He pulls his hair into a bun and turns on the tap.

He splashes water on his face before grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste.

After that he heads downstairs. He yawns and stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where's the dress mija?"

Lance's face scrunches up.

"Go put the dress on." his father sighs.


"Lana, don't argue. Go put the dress on."


"Hey give it a rest, she..doesn't want to wear it." Marco sighs, patting Lance on the shoulder as he comes down the stairs.


Lance sort of ignored everyone the whole day. I mean yeah that's his grandma and everything but she was a literal cunt. She always had something to point out about Lance.

"You've got crooked teeth, Camilla, get this girl some braces."

Lance gapes at his grandma, wanting to speak up. He shut his mouth and turns away, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Lana, you won't get a boyfriend with your legs having more hair than theirs." his grandmother sighs.

Lance smiles slightly before returning his attention to his phone.

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