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Lance woke up to his alarm. School, right. He yawns, laying in bed for a little bit before getting up. He strips from his night clothes, throwing them in his dirty clothes.

He grabs his binder from under his bed and slips it on. Yawning as he heads to the bathroom. He smiles upon seeing his short hair and nearly completely flat chest.

Taking a piss and washing his hands. He blinks at his reflection, watching his movements. Everything he did was almost robotic. Life was weird.

You do the same things everyday until you die. Wake up, stare at the ceiling, use the bathroom, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, go to work or school, come home, eat, sleep. Repeat.

Life was really weird. Anything you say or do can alter your future. You take one wrong move and it can kill your first born child and give you a completely different one.

Lance shakes the thoughts from his head and ruffles his curly hair. He heads back to his room, slipping into jeans, a shirt, and the jacket Marco gave him.

Sure, it was hot, but the jacket was nice. It tied the whole outfit together. He puts his things in his backpack and shoves it phone into his pocket.

Upon getting downstairs he hears collective gasps.

"Mija! What'd you do to your hair?! It looks like a boys!" his mother gasps.

"I cut it?"

"Yes, but why!?"

"Because I don't want long hair. Now can I go? I'll miss the bus." Lance sighs.


School was a mix of compliments and insults. Nyma and her crew being the ones to insult Lance.
He just sighed and ignored. Doing his work and waiting to go home to watch vine with Keith on rabbit.

That'd be the highlight of his day. Sadly he wouldn't be able to hear Keith's laugh because well, echo.
Wait,, sadly?

Lance chews on the inside of his cheek. This whole thinking about Keith was weird. They had just met so why did he occupy Lance's mind so much?


After school sucked too. He got lectured for an hour. He also had to clean nearly the whole house.

A few hours later he collapses on his bed. Eyes flitting shut, a yawn escaping his lips. Vines. He had to watch vines.

He blindly feels for his phone and shoots Keith's a lazily typed text.


L: dude

K: dude

L: cool


He got together a bunch of videos and started the stream on rabbit. Keith joining shortly after.

After the first one his phone buzzed.


K: i,,
i don't get it.

L: wha
keith tell me you're joking

K: i don't get it

L: ...
you're fucking joshing me

K: joshing you,,?

L: oh my god
you're hopeless
do you just wanna call?
it'll really help after today

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