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The cutesy dancing didn't last much longer. Keith's phone rang from Lance's desk.

"I- I better answer that." Keith mutters, padding over to it. He picks it up and places it to his ear after pressing the accept button.

"Ill be there in 20 minutes. We'll be having a long talk and you'll be grounded longer."

And the call ends.

Keith sighs and sets it down.

"Guess we'd better make the most of the 20 minutes cause I have no idea when I'll see you." Keith mutters, taking a seat on the bed.

Lance sits next to him, taking Keith's hands into his.

"Hey, he lets you go to Pidge's so I'll just come see you like that if they're chill with it. Plus I miss that gremlin." Lance smiles.

"I don't think he's gonna let me do anything which isn't a good idea." Keith mutters.

"Don't- don't talk like that, Keith." Lance mumbles, squeezing Keith's hands.

"I'm sorry. It just seriously isn't and sure- I'm sure he's gonna force me back onto that shit. Its just- its like he doesn't listen to me about everything."

"I know, but you also dont listen to him, cariño. He's only doing this because he cares."

"I know that but- he just- ugh. Lance he's difficult."

"Babe, see his side of things too and help him to see your side." Lance presses his lips to Keith's.

Keith pushes forward, moving his hands from Lance's so he can cup his cheeks.

Lance smiles against Keith's lips, running his hands through Keith's hair.

Keith hums, running his tongue teasingly over Lance's lips.

Lance parts his lips, allowing Keith to slip his tongue in. Their kiss gets heated quickly, Keith helping Lance lay back. Caging him in with his arms.

Lance pulls away, panting slightly. Cheeks flushed pink.

"M-more." Lance mumbles.

Keith eagerly complies, sitting on Lance's waist. He surges forward and kisses Lance. Nibbling lightly at his bottom lip.

Lance moans softly, the sound being swallowed up by Keith. He balls a hand in the sheets and places the other on Keith's hip.

As soon as Keith has his shirt off and Lance has his binder off Keith's phone rings. He groans, burying his face into the crook of Lance's neck.

"You gotta go, cariño."

"I know." Keith sighs, he grabs his phone and answers.

"I'm here."

"Ok-" the other end clicks end.

Keith growls, slamming his phone against Lance's bed. He kisses Lance again, full of love. It felt like goodbye to Lance.

"I- I really dont want you to go." Lance mutters, allowing Keith to help him back into his binder.

"I know. I dont wanna go either." Keith sighs, another kiss. That leads to another. And a couple more.

"Just- go before I cry." Lance laughs.

"Fine. I love you. So much."

"I love you too, jerk. Stop getting grounded."

"Walk me out?"

"Of course." Lance smiles.

When they get out of the apartment building Lance leans up, cupping Keith's face.

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