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Lance couldn't get out of bed the next morning. His body felt as if it were weighed down with 4 10 pound weights. He felt horrible and just wanted to curl up and cry.

Upon completely waking, he hears a yawn. Jumping up before he remembers that he was on call with Keith.

"Mornin'" Keith drawled, accent peaking out.

"M-morning. I'm gonna- I'm gonna hang up!" Lance squeaks out, immediately hitting the end button.

He crawls back under his blanket, bringing it over his head. He takes in a long shaky breath and lets it out. Shuddering as he tugs at his hair.

"Lance?" Marco whispers.

"Go away." Lance mutters.

"Breakfast is done."

"I said go away Marco."

"You okay?" Marco asks, shutting the door behind him as he pads towards Lance's bed.

"Don't wanna get out of bed."

"Well you gotta, mamà won't let you eat up here and you know it."

"Just get out." Lance sighs, holding in his tears.

"Fine, but if you're not down in 10 I'm eating your french toast."

"Oh well." Lance mumbles, shoving his face into his mattress. He waits to hear the door open and close again before letting a small sob out.

10 minutes later, he's out of bed and dressing into the baggiest clothes he could find. He staggers out of his room and downstairs.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Marco smiles.

Lance grunts in acknowledgment, grabbing a plate. He piles food onto it before taking his seat at the table. Picking at his food, sipping at his orange juice.

"Mija, your abuela is visiting for your birthday."

Lance nearly chokes on his food, coughing he croaks out a "what"

"You heard me." his mom laughs.


"She'll be arriving on the 25th."

The family lets out collective groans.

"Oh she's not that bad."

Lance nearly chokes again.


After breakfast he heads back upstairs. Checking the group chat.


P: we should add Shiro and Matt

K: n o

H: who?

K: my brother and Pidge's brother

P: too late

Pidge added Takashi Shirogane
Pidge added Matt Holt

M: what the fuck is this

S: language

K: i fucking hate you pidge

L: uhh



K: of course he isn't dead
i was on the phone with him this morning

P: you what

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