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When they got back Lance and Keith both went to their own houses. Lance, bored out of his mind, sleeps. Keith talks to Shiro and Adam about college.

"So, you want to go to college?" Shiro asks, hopeful eyes.

"Yeah- its just, I never thought- I'd be alive, y'know?" Keith mutters, staring down at his feet.

"Keith, don't be ashamed of that." Adam sighs, wrapping his arms around Keith.

Shiro chews on the inside of his cheek and wraps his arms around Keith. Holding back tears as he remembers the sight of Keith in a puddle of his own blood and vomit.

"I'm sorry, Shiro." Keith's voice shakes and then his body does. Pushing completely to Shiro as he breaks into tears.

"I'm sorry!" Keith wails, this was worse than the last time Keith apologised for it.

"Shh- Keith, its okay.." Shiro whispers, letting out a few tears of his own.

"I- I fucked your life up! You- you could've gone to college- you could've g-got married- yo-you could've had so many things, but then this fuck up get dropped on your doorstep.. I'm sorry!" Keith sobs, the only thing grounding him was the steady squeeze of Shiro's hand on his shoulder.

"You're not a fuck up, Keith. I volunteered to take you, y'know. You weren't just dropped off on my doorstep, I wanted you Keith. I didn't want you to be put in the system, you're my brother." Shiro laughs through his tears, hugging Keith tightly. Keith hiccups and sobs. He was truly an ugly crier.

"So, where you wanting to go?" Shiro asks a week later.

"Oh- uhh, I've been thinking about the art school in Florida. Lance is planning to go to college down there so I thought I'd move down there so we dont have to do long distance."

"Are you sure you're ready to move away from home?" Shiro asks.

"I- I wanna try it. I'll come visit, of course. I wouldn't ditch ya." Keith smiles.

"Better not."

"So, I think I'm gonna start putting together a portfolio so I can send it off to one of them."

"Sounds good. Got a muse?" Shiro teases.

"Shut up. Course I do."


Weeks fly by and Keith is mailing his portfolio off. Anxiety pooling in his stomach. Lance didn't know he was planning to go to an art school. He wanted to make it a surprise. Well, if he got in.

"Keith, I'm bored." Lance whines, laying on his back. Legs dangling off Keith's bed.

"Do something." Keith laughs.

"There's nothing to do though."

"I could name about 10 things."

"Bet you could."

"We could watch a movie, cook, go on a walk, get coffee, go see a movie. Hmm, we could go to a park, a dog park, we could go to the shelter and look at the pups. Ive been planning to adopt, Shiro said I could. It'd be a support dog though." Keith shrugs.


"Wanna go see some?"

"Hell yeah." Lance grins.

They head to the animal shelter and ask if they can see the dogs. Led into the back, Lance races around. Keith smiles fondly, looking at the dogs.

Ranging from color, breed, hair length. He spots a husky and grins. Padding over to it, he smiles. It was a small pup.

Keith looks at the tag on the cage, Kosmos. Sure fit the dog. He looked blue almost. The pup sniffs at Keith, wagging its tail wildly.

"Oh my God- you have to call Shiro." Lance gasps.

"What, you think he's cute?"

"Uhh- duh!"

Keith laughs, pulling out his phone. He shoots a quick picture to Shiro and gets an immediate response.


K: img.attached

S: im on my way

Keith laughs, pocketing his phone.

"Hey, Kosmos. You wanna come home with us?" Keith coos, soft and high.

Kosmos tilts his head to the side, panting.

"You're so cute." Lance smiles.

"Thanks babe." Keith snickers.

"Im talking to Kosmos." Lance huffs.


A couple hours later they have Kosmos at Shiro's. He's passed out on his little bed, stomach fat with food. Keith hums, scratching at Kosmos ears.

"We should lay down, its late y'know?" Lance hums.

"Mkay, meet me in there?" Keith asks.

"Yeah." Lance smiles, padding to Keith's bedroom.

Keith presses a kiss to Kosmos head and heads to his room. He nearly chokes upon seeing Lance laid out on the bed. One of Keith's hoodies down to his thighs.

"Hey." Lance smiles.

"Hi." Keith whispers.

"Flustered~" Lance teases, chuckling.

"Shut up."

"You're acting like you haven't seen more of me." Lance laughs.

"I can't help that you're amazing." Keith mutters, stripping from his shirt and jeans.

Lance hums, eyes trailing up Keith's body.

"You should lay down."

"Can I get dressed first?"

"Mm you look fine to me." Lance snorts.

Keith rolls his eyes, turning around. He pads to the bed and lays next to Lance. Lance sits up and straddles Keith's thighs.

Keith hums, running his hands down from Lance's hips to his thighs. A noise in his throat as he realizes the soft thigh highs tight around Lance's thighs.

"Hmm?" Lance hums.

"Thigh highs?"

"Soft, huh?"


Lance's sex drive was out of whack again. Completely fucked up from the testosterone.

"Can I kiss you?" Lance asks.

"Yeah 'course you can." Keith whispers.

Lance leans down, capturing Keith's lips. Tongue sliding over the bottom one. Hands tangling into his hair.

Keith groans, opening his mouth to allow Lance's tongue to slide inside. His fingers slip under the bands of the thigh highs. Snapping them against Lance's thighs.

"We should just watch a movie." Keith mutters against Lance's lips.

"Mmph- why?" Lance pouts, pulling away.

"Well, for one, Shiro is in the other room and we don't have protection."

"You're right. Fuck- sorry."

"Its okay, I understand how frustrated you feel. You're literally going through a second puberty, you're feeling a bunch of built up hormones."

"I fucking hate it. You're just- urgh- you're so good, Keith." Lance huffs.

Keith smiles and presses a small kiss to Lance's lips.

"C'mon, we can watch a nice movie and fall asleep together."

"Mkay, sounds good." Lance hums, slipping off of Keith's lap. He curls up under the blanket and cuddles him.

"I love you." Keith whispers.

"I love you too, babe." Lance smiles.

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