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Adam came over a lot more than Keith thought he would. It was a shock to him that he'd come over nearly every night. Although it was a good thing because Shiro couldn't cook for shit.

"Slow down Keith." Shiro laughs, watching his brother shove forkful after forkful of food into his mouth.

"Its so good!" Keith was nearly crying, his words coming out muffled.

"Don't talk with your mouth full."  Adam sighs.

Keith chokes and hits his chest with his balled up fist.

"Is- Adam is- oh my god he's choking." Shiro scrambles from his chair and rushes over to Keith.

Keith laughs and tips back in his chair, yelping when it falls over. Adam snickers and covers his mouth as giggles fall from it.

"Its not funny!" Shiro huffs, taking his seat.

"Oh but it totally is." Keith laughs, finally picking himself and his chair back up.

"Go call your boyfriend or something."

"Can I go over to his place? Lance and I wanted to watch a movie and hang out at the park."

"Yeah, be home by dinner tomorrow. Unless you wanna stay there two nights." Shiro shrugs.

"Ew. You're kicking me out." Keith grimaces.

"I- wha- Adam back me up here."

"No, Keith has the right idea." Adam laughs.

"Gross." Keith groans, leaving the table. 

"Have a good two days with Lance!! Don't do anything Shiro would!" Adam shouts.

Keith rolls his eyes, packing up some things. He quickly calls Lance.


"Hi, Shiro and Adam are kicking me out. Adult shit, y'know?"

"Gross. Come on over loser."

"Cool. Thanks."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Keith smiles even though Lance couldn't see.

"Have a safe walk." Shiro says as Keith walks out the door.

"No, I'll make sure I get ran over just because of that." Keith snorts, shutting the door behind him.

Keith pops in his earbuds and turns his music up all the way. He smiles when he sees the sun setting, beautiful hues on the horizon. It was times like this he wished he could paint well.

He takes a few quick pictures and continues his walk. Shoes hitting the cracked pavement, eyes ahead looking around. He's tempted to hum along to the music, or sing.

Deciding against it so he doesn't look weird, he walks faster and turns the corner. By the time he had reached Lance's it was dark as hell outside.

He shoots a text to Lance to tell him that he's here. He scrolls through instagram for a few minutes, not noticing Lance until he's suddenly knocked onto the grass.

The wind gets knocked out of him and he wheezes, taking his earbuds out.

"Hi!" Lance smiles.

"H-hey." Keith coughs.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy to see you! Do you like- do you wanna stay out here and look at the stars for a bit?"


"Cool." Lance smiles, rolling off Keith so he can lay on his back and look at the stars.

"Wait, Lance."

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