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Keith called Shiro when he got home, patiently waiting for an answer.

"What do you want?"  Shiro's voice was cold.

"I- come home. If I apologize over the phone it doesn't mean anything." Keith mutters

"I really don't wanna hear anymore of you saying what you said last week."

"Im not- I wasn't gonna say that shit anymore. Just please- come home."

"Im bringing Adam as well in case you make me cry again." Shiro sighs, ending the call without a bye.

Keith sighs and paces, the bandages on his fingers stopping him from chewing at the nails. He clenches his fists and unclenches them, breathing in and out. He had to calm down.

He heads to the living room and takes a seat in a chair. Leg bouncing insistently. The door opens and Shiro and Adam head into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch.

Adam was glaring at Keith, cold and bone chilling. It was a well deserved look. Shiro looked like he had been crying for days, nonstop.

"Say what you need to say." Shiro mutters.

"I- I know what I said was wrong now, in that moment I hadn't realized. It's just- you bring so many people into my life and expect me not to get attached, Matt barely talks to me anymore and it's upsetting because he and Katie are well- my best friends. I shouldn't have said that you aren't my brother, because you are. You're my brother no matter if there isn't a blood relation. You're also my best friend and my support system, you've had so many problems but yet you continue to support me over yourself. I need to support you and your relationships, its my turn to give back. So, Shiro- please, I love you." Keith's voice breaks, tears eventually falling down his cheeks.

Shiro is on his feet in seconds, leaning over to wrap his arms around Keith. Tears falling from his cheeks onto Keith's shirt. Sobs coming from both of them.

Keith repeats that he's sorry like mantra.

"I love you too, Keith." Shiro mumbles, rubbing at Keith's back.

They end up having a little 'family' dinner. Keith finally giving Adam a chance. Learning more about it. Apparently he worked at the Garrison, Keith shocked that he had never seen him.

"How the hell have I never seen you??" Keith raises an eyebrow.

"No clue, Keith. But I do have Pidge and Lance in one of my classes. Lance is- he's something." Adam chuckles.

"Sure is." Keith smiles, lovesick and dopey.

Shiro smiles, watching the two people he loves most talk and actually get along. Even if its only about Lance.

Later that night Keith and Lance skyped. Keith had literally just gotten out of the shower so his hair was soaked and he was only in boxers.

"You just get out the shower?" Lance asks, cheeks flushed slightly.

"Yeah, I didn't just wanna ignore your call or whatever."

"How'd it go with Shiro?"

"He accepted my apology and uh Adam is gonna come over more."


"He's one of your teachers, last name starts with a W."

"Oh! Mr.W! No one can pronounce his last name so he just uses W." Lance laughs.

"Yeah. So how's your day been?"

"Mm been good. I talked to Mamà, Ronny, and Luis. Oh! And Nyma, she called me earlier."

Keith chews on his cheek.

"That's nice. What'd you talk about with Nyma?"

"She said she misses me and hopes I come back soon. I told her I'd go back home at Christmas time."

"And with your mom?"

"Luis broke his arm. Again. Ronny has a girlfriend now! I didn't even know she was a lesbian, I was shocked all to hell. Mamà and Papi aren't doing to well, mamà is still pissed at him for kicking me out."

"He- pfft- broke his arm again?? " Keith laughs.

"Mhm! I can't believe it!" Lance laughs.

They sit there talking for hours. Marco and Calliope bringing Lance dinner in the middle of the call. Lance literally shoves 4 garlic knots into his mouth, basically moaning around them.

"Marco makes really good garlic knots and I envy him."  Lance says through a stuffed mouth.

That's 2 times Lance had moaned around Keith and it was really getting to him. Obviously he wasn't just gonna admit it. He was a guy, it happened y'know.

"You okay?" Lance tilts his head.

Heat rises to Keith's cheeks.

"F-fine! I'm fine!" Keith's voice shoots up an octave, cracking terribly. He cringes at it and covers his reddening face.

"You sure?" Lance asks.

"I'm fine, Lance." Keith mumbles. Trying to get the blush to go down.


Keith could suddenly remember the feeling of Lance's mouth hot around- nope not going there. He shudders and huffs.

"D-do you mind if I get- er god do you mind if I hang up? I'm getting tired?"

"Oh sure, te amo cariño, buenas noches."

"I love you too babe." Keith smiles, hanging up. He slams his laptop shut and shoves his hand under his boxers.

Lance was honestly confused. He texts Pidge.


L: keith was acting shady

P: boner

L: whAT

P: probably got a boner
y'all fine he ain't gonna cheat if that's what you're worried about


P: watch he'll text you again in a bit

L: he said he was going to bed

P: nah
that boy gonna nut to some mothman porn or smth

Pidge was right. Keith called back, claiming he couldn't sleep. His cheeks flushed.

"You need your adorable boyfriend to sleep?"

"Psh no."

"Mhm okay." Lance chuckles.

"Have you taken your binder off?"

Lance hums and nods.

"Yep, it's wash day for that thing."  Lance yawns, shoving his face into the hoodie he had received the day before.



"Then sleep you goof ball."

"I'm planning to, hush." Lance huffs, turning around, hiking a leg over an extra pillow. Holding it closely.

Keith rolls his eyes. Lance did have a nice ass, Keith wouldn't deny that. And really nice, soft thighs. Keith wanted to bury his head between them and-.

Keith shakes the thought and image out of his head. Sighing, he shoves his face into his pillow and eventually falls asleep. Blanket shucked up to his neck, nearly covering his head.

Tomorrow would be better. And hopefully more pg.

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